Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。正式版是Minecraft ...
Added gamerule playersSleepingPercentage (100 by default), which sets what percentage of players that must sleep in order to skip the night. Setting it to 0 will mean one player is always enough to skip the night. Setting it above 100 will prevent skipping the night. 添加了游戏规则 playersS...
Gamerule Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the gamerule command has different syntaxes depending on whether you want to set or check the gamerule. To set the value of a gamerule: /gamerule <rule> <value> To check the value of a gamerule: /...
docker run --name mc itzg/minecraft-server:java8-multiarch Keep in mind that some versions of Minecraft server, such as Forge before 1.17, can't work on the newest versions of Java. Instead, one of the Java 8 images should be used. Also, FORGE doesn't support openj9 JVM implementation....
Hourglass is compatible with mods that enable sleep voting or have sleep percentage systems like Quark and Morpheus, but they conflict with the sleep feature of this mod. These features should either be disabled in their corresponding mods, or the sleep feature in Hourglass should be disabled. ...
Command format /locatebiome Changed the failure message for not being able to find a valid biome from "Could not find a <biome name> within reasonable distance" to "Could not find a biome of type <biome name> within reasonable distance". ...
Minecraft Java Edition 1.17 is called the Caves & Cliffs Update: Part I and was released on June 8, 2021. It was announced in Minecraft Live 2020 and is considered a major update to the game that focuses on a redesign of caves, mountains, and cliffs. It
If you have a mob on a lead, you can still go to bed and sleep through the night – they’ll still be leashed when you wake up. A lead will break if hit by a projectile or explosion, and drop as an item. What Mobs Can You Leash With a Lead?
'/afkplus clear [Player]' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.clear) This allows any administrator to clear the AFK status of a player. '/afkplus damage enable [Player]' command. (Permission: afkplus.afkplus.damage.enable) This allows an Administrator to force-enable an AFK player's ab...
playersSleepingPercentage - Int value (default: 100) What percentage of players must sleep to skip the night. pvp - true/false Whether the player can fight with other players. randomTickSpeed - Any int value (def: 3) How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth) per chunk...