This page is about what NPCs say to you. If you are having difficulty understanding what your buddies write in the chat, you are likely looking for Drunken Speech. Please note: in the Renewed version of the mod, NPCs use a far more complex speech system
A Slave's Diary Written by Karseius Types: southron,umbar Expand Special Written by the Mod Team Type: None Expand Tale of the Squirrel and the Spring-gnomes Written by Crossbuilder Types: shire, dale Expand Verses from the Taurelantë Written by Mevans Types: gondor,rivendell,umbar...
努尔恩的奴隶 Slave of Nurn 野兔 Rabbit 野猪 Wild Boar 夏尔果园主 Hobbit Orcharder 魔多奴隶主 Mordor Slaver 魔多蜘蛛 Mordor Spider 魔多蜘蛛饲养员 Mordor Spider Keeper 安格玛奥克 Angmar Orc 安格玛奥克弓箭手 Angmar Orc Archer 安格玛奥克投弹手 Angmar Orc Bombardier 贡达巴德奥克 Gun...
No slave to the corruption of Gondor is welcome in our lands. Let us hope you do not serve Gondor,Person! Shall you aid us in the war against Gondor,Person? I hope you are no friend of the Aphûr-lâi,Person. Well, if you were, you would be mere sun-scorched bones by now.....
(BlockItem)oldItem).removeFromBlockToItemMap(blockToItem,item);}if(iteminstanceofBlockItem){@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")Map<Block,Item>blockToItem=owner.getSlaveMap(BLOCK_TO_ITEM,Map.class);//blockToItem.forcePut(((ItemBlock)oldItem).getBlock()); //1.12.2 实现((BlockItem)item).addTo...