原版行为包使用的默认值包括更广泛的大型家族(例如mob、inanimate、monster、undead)以及更具体的小型家族(例如zombie、skeleton)和单个生物的家族(例如wandering_trader、enderman、creeper)。单个实体可以属于多个家族。 @e[family=skeleton]— 选择所有骷髅、凋零骷髅和流浪者。 @e[family=mob,family=!monster]— 选择...
component attribute for mobs生物的 follow_range 随机组件属性Velocity of Horses spawned from Skeleton ...
生物的 follow_range 随机组件属性 Velocity of Horses spawned from Skeleton Traps 骷髅陷阱产生的马的速度 Blaze random position and randomized speed of Blaze projectiles 火焰弹的随机位置和速度 Randomized portion of damage and velocity of Arrows 箭的伤害值里的随机部分 Randomized flight pattern of Fireworks...
- Changed the Skeleton Horse texture to better match the 1.12 texture - Changed the (Soul) Campfire Model/Items to better match the 1.13 textures - Changed the Resin Brick texture to more closely follow the 1.13 Ingot textures - Changed the all Hanging Sign Item textures to more closely foll...
Skeleton Horsemen now pathfind correctly (MCPE-147521) 骷髅骑手现在能正确寻路了 (MCPE-147521) Farmer Villagers no longer pick up more than 8 stacks of items (MCPE-123412) 农民现在不会捡起超过8堆物品 (MCPE-123412) Untamed Cats can now be leashed ...
· #noteblock_top_instruments:zombie_head、skeleton_skull、creeper_head、dragon_head、wither_skeleton_skull、piglin_head和player_head。 · #sniffer_food:torchflower_seeds。 · #trim_materials:amethyst_shard、copper_ingot、diamond、emerald、gold_ingot、iron_ingot、...
You'll want to use it when trying to get enough Wither Skeleton Heads to take on the Wither. Sharpness or Smite Sharpness increases the amount of damage your sword does against all mobs. Smite increases the damage done to undead mobs only. ...
- Fixed receiving Fearsome Vengeance advancement when beheading a Wither Skeleton ordinarily, without holding Axe of Executioner; - Fixed dupe with Dislocation Ring (critical in multiplayer); - Implemented config option for inverting Shift behaviour of Magnetic Ring and Dislocation Ring; - Implemented co...
Wither skeleton Zombie Zombie villager Zombified piglin OP farms End of light mob farms Enchanting andsmelting Enchantment mechanics Anvil mechanics Automatic smelting Manual smelting Blockbreaking Blast chamber Igniting TNT underwater Wither cage
Select your preferred format (PNG, SVG, PDF, GIF, JSON, or HTML code) Modify and recolor Customize size, shape, and color Integrate Incorporate the icon into your project About Plumpy style Pixel-perfect Editable vectors PNG up to 100px ...