tooltips('Do a single run and stop') image('rftoolsbase:textures/gui/guielements.png') } choice('on') { uv(192,48) tooltips('Keep running with redstone signal') image('rftoolsbase:textures/gui/guielements.png') } } } imagechoicelabel('wait') { hint(40,18,17,17) t...
To activate your lectern, simply click it with the right mouse button while holding a book. This is how you make your lectern hold books – although they can only hold a single book. – and only a regular book, not an enchanted one. What Do Lecterns Do in Minecraft? Lecterns have a ...
This command will create a.keystorefile, which will contain a single key named "gdxkey". I recommend setting the keystore password the same as your key password ("gdxpassword" in this case). Now you can (and should) sign all jars. I'm using the following batchfile for that (copy th...