我的世界:改善存储体验的模组,让你不再纠结如何分类! 1.Storage Drawers【储物抽屉】 2.Tom's Simple Storage Mod【汤姆的简易存储】 #我的世界 #mc #minecraft #我的世界java版 # - ³⁹度暖风于20240819发布在抖音,已经收获了93.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活
Despite its size, the Underground Castle design (created by TheMythicalSausage) can hold a bedroom, smelting/enchanting/storage room, brewing station, mining entrance, and a nether portal!45. Dark CastleDark Castle (Image Credit: LionCheater) Required Materials:Deepslate Bricks. Polished Blackstone...
tomsstorage_knowlogy-fabric-1.0.0-1.21.1.jar Supported Versions 1.21.1 1.21 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:toms-storage-knowlogy-1162880:6062667" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support ...
1. Storage Room The first thing that you should build in Minecraft is a storage room. Because as you progress through the game, you will collect a large number of items and resources. So, it is essential to have an organized and efficient storage system and we would recommend you to buil...
Downloads per Minecraft and Loader version: 1.21.1NeoForge,Fabric 1.20.6NeoForge,Forge,Fabric 1.20.4NeoForge,Forge,Fabric 1.20.2NeoForge,Forge,Fabric 1.20.1Forge,Fabric 1.19.4Forge,Fabric 1.19.3Forge,Fabric 1.19.2Forge,Fabric 1.18.2Forge,Fabric ...
That said, there’s always room for improvement. Imagine Google Maps, only for Minecraft and you’ll have a pretty good idea of what this mod does. Specifically, it lets folk view a more real-time map in-game, and on the mini-map, as well as being able to view the map online via...
first thing you’ll need is a great location for your door. you’ll need an 8×3 area for this build, so make sure you give yourself plenty of room for both the door and everything you want to build around it. you’ll need the following materials to create your door. obviously you...
Simple vanilla style storage mod for Minecraft. Contribute to Telcote/Toms-Storage development by creating an account on GitHub.
It has plenty ofstorage room, sleeping quarters, furnaces for smelting, a brewing room, animal pens and agricultural land, an enchanting room setup, a nether portal and even room for expansion. What more could you ask for in a castle build like this, right?
Turn right or left, and dig another staircase for a short while, and dig out another 5×5 room, add a torch, and so on. Remember to always turn the same way. This method allows players to find a large number of ores. If they hit bedrock, don't worry, go back up to the first...