Sildur's Shaders1.19.4 → 1.18.2 Sildur’s Shaders is a shaders pack that focuses on options. Many shaders packs out there have some heavy limitations, such as only working for Microsoft operating systems or only functioning... 🌅Realistic ...
Many unique qualities are found within the new AstraLex Shader pack for Minecraft. The end goal of this shader pack is very special; to allow content creators a vastly improved... 🎨Cartoon Dec 29, 2022 Low Sildur's Shaders1.19.4 → 1.18.2 ...
Sildur’s Vibrant shaders 光影材质包由作者“Sildur”所制作。 该光影材质包基于GLSL光影Mod打造(在1.7.10版本起可仅使用Optifine以支持使用),添加了阴影效果、VL效果(体积光照/光追)、植物摇动效果及水反射效果等特殊光影效果。 与其他的光影不同的是,Sildur’s shaders适合所有配置的电脑,让所有用户都能享受到...
5.Sildur's Vibrant Shaders 风格:梦幻 配置:极低 / 低 兼容性:极高 作者:Sildur:【】 官网:【】 6.SEUS - DAZZLING(此光影的效果比视频中要高级的多,up主找不到稳定渲染出此光影的设置。) 风...
Sildur shader pack consists of a shader called vibrant shaders, it will work on all operating system. Depending on the processing power and GPU, you need to select the version from Lite, Medium, High, High Motion Blur and Extreme. These are again categorized as basic and light shades. If...
Offical website with more downloads and changelogs: Patreon if you want to support me and get early access: Supported minecraft versions are 1.7.10 - 1.21. About: Vibrant shaders completly revamps the lighting system of minecraf...
我的世界1.18.1-1.7.10 Sildur’s Vibrant shaders 光影材质包下载 2021年12月14日材质包1 Sildur’s Vibrant shaders 光影材质包由作者“Sildur”所制作。 该光影材质包基于GLSL光影Mod打造(在1.7.10版本起可仅使用Optifine以支持使用),添加了阴影效果、VL效果(体积光照/光 … ...
Offical website with more downloads and changelogs: Patreon if you want to support me and like what I do: About: Return of the basic shaders! First started in like 2013. It is a very lightweight and fast shaderpack, fea...
2024年12月3日 材质包 0 此资源包融合了经典的Minecraft风格与乡村风格。我推荐使用Sildur’s Shaders(Sildur的着色器)来搭配这个资源包,以便真正焕发其生命力。 使用Optifine(高清修复)可以体验我设计的多样化生物纹理!如… 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.21.3-1.17 3D Default 模型下载 2024年12月3日 材质包 2...
Sildur's Shaders1.19.4 → 1.18.2 Sildur’s Shaders is a shaders pack that focuses on options. Many shaders packs out there have some heavy limitations, such as only working for Microsoft operating systems or only functioning... 🌅Realistic ...