Acacia Leaves 金合欢树叶 Acacia Log 金合欢原木 Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Sign 墙上的金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wood ...
shulkerBoxOrange=橙色潜影盒 shulkerBoxMagenta=品红色潜影盒 shulkerBoxLightBlue=淡蓝色潜影盒 shulkerBoxYellow=黄色潜影盒 shulkerBoxLime=黄绿色潜影盒 shulkerBoxPink=粉红色潜影盒 shulkerBoxGray=灰色潜影盒 shulkerBoxSilver=淡灰色潜影盒 shulkerBoxCyan=青色潜影盒 shulkerBoxPurple=紫色潜影盒 shulkerBoxBlue=蓝色...
And with that in mind, you can then massively multiply your personal inventory by crafting several of these Advanced Shuklerboxes. So all you need to do once you have a shulker box in your inventory is right-click while holding it and it will open up a menu like any other chest. From...
[19:51:58] [main/警告]: @Mixin target micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.inventory.PersistantInventoryCrafting was not found mixins.ultimatestack.json:MixinPersistantInventoryCrafting[19:51:58] [main/警告]: Error loading class: noppes/npcs/controllers/data/PlayerMail (java.lang.ClassNotFound...
LEGO® Minecraft® – Die Crafting-Box 4.0Dieser Mega-Mix aus LEGO Minecraft Steinen, Figuren und Zubehör gibt Kindern 2 tolle Spielsets und endlosen Bauspaß in die Hand. Mit diesem unendlich vielseitigen Spielset können Kinder zwei verschiedene Kulissen bauen: die Türme am Fluss,...
move your mouse over the shulkerbox item to display what's inside it; [pic] damage indicators to see how much damage you do to creatures; [pic] after death there will be chest with all you items so they won't despawn; more info about bees in beehives; [pic] player protection from ...
shulker_box 潜影盒 sign 告示牌 skull 生物头颅 smoker 烟熏炉 structure_block 结构方块 trapped_chest 陷阱箱 旗帜 [显示] 木桶 [显示] 信标 [显示] 床 [显示] 蜂箱 [显示] 钟 [显示] 高炉 [显示] 酿造台 [显示] 可疑的方块 [显示] 校...
223 Yellow Shulker Box(minecraft:yellow_shulker_box) 224 Lime Shulker Box(minecraft:lime_shulker_box) 225 Pink Shulker Box(minecraft:pink_shulker_box) 226 Gray Shulker Box(minecraft:gray_shulker_box) 227 Light Gray Shulker Box(minecraft:silver_shulker_box) 228 Cyan Shulker Box(minecraft:cyan_...
Crafting Table Enchanting Table Fletching Table Furnace Blast Smoker Grindstone Lectern Loom Shulker Box Sign Hanging Smithing Table Stonecutter Utilizable Banners Beehive Beds Bell Cake with Candle Campfire Soul Cauldron Lava Powder Snow Water Composter Conduit End Gateway End Portal End Portal Frame ...
[java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:1052]: a 分享回复赞 minecraft吧 Senmu-s 问一下,这好像是工业mod,我要合成热能离心机,需要什么shaped IC2 crafting,啥意思啊,物品栏里搜英文搜不到,求指教 分享171 minecraft红石吧 Zodiac※ 红石基础教程1 先说方块,方块从大体上来看,可以分成透明方块与非透明方块,...