此处show_item包含的物品结构中,Count:1b不可缺少,否则会被视为无效(MC_himcd提供指导意见) 效果 提案将绿色文本改为白色,议员 MC_himcd 与 岁月灬陌 反对,提案未通过 写经典模式职业神射手的职业介绍函数 在设定游戏规则的函数中加入gamerule disableRaids true以禁止袭击 ...
Sit Command Discord x Minecraft Whitelist System Status System -> Set your own Status or select to one of the Default Status. Custom Crafting Recipes (CCR) Tutorial: Invisible Item Frames: Light Block: GLowing Netherite Elytra(
CraftItem 本插件 Fork 自 https://gitee.com/zhibumiao/CraftItem 介绍 一款Minecraft 管理起来方便又快捷的 Bukkit 锻造插件 此插件原本发布在 我的世界中文论坛 MCBBS [RPG|经济]CraftItem — 方便快捷又独特的锻造插件 [1.8-1.19] https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-1395391-1-1.html 支持全GUI配置锻造配方 ...
Display hidden ingredients in a recipe if there are no other ingredients to show - mezz Allow focus linking with invisible ingredients - mezz Fix debug recipes - mezz update JUnit - mezz Clean up build script - mezz Run Spotless cleanup - mezz ...
Summon Item Display Loot Table For Developers: Value Minecraft URL Plugin Support Minecraft Heads supports several plugins which use heads. Currently supported plugins: BossShopPro / Genesis, Citizens, DecentHolograms, DeluxeMenus, Essentials, To activate a certain plugin, please enable it on yoursetting...
Close #451 Show "Smelts # items" for furnace fuels - mezz Fix a crash in ErrorUtil from other broken mods (#464) - mezz Close #203 Add IRecipeRegistryPlugin for full control of recipe lookups - mezz Delete translation keys for config options that were removed - mezz Fix item des...
Show 6 more The Minecraft Block Wizard is a plugin for Blockbench. It allows you to add a custom block to Minecraft without any coding experience or knowledge of the addon system. It does this by generating an addon on your computer, which you can add to your world.After...
We've covered the basics of creating a Minecraft plugin in Javascript, including a brief overview of the Minecraft API and a simple example that adds a new item and recipe to the game. With a little more knowledge of the Minecraft API, you can create even more complex plugins that add ne...
Summon Armor Stand/summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {ShowArms:1b,NoBasePlate:1b,ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:leather_boots",count:1},{id:"minecraft:leather_leggings",count:1},{id:"minecraft:leather_chestplate",count:1},{id:"minecraft:player_head",count:1,components:{"minecraft:custom_...
Bind items to individual players or groups for exclusive use and various protections. Use commands or integrate into your kits and quests for seamless game design. - Download the Minecraft Plugin ItemSoulBind by mk7a on Modrinth