Show Player 显示玩家实际位置 Chest Stealer 自动偷取箱子中的物品 -Mode 模式 -Shift 按住 Shift 点击物品 -Pickup 直接用鼠标拿取物品 -Delay 偷取时的延迟 -Auto Steal 打开箱子时自动偷取 -Auto Close 没有物品时自动关闭箱子 -Smart 尝试从非箱子类容器偷取物品 Fast Interact 快速使用 -Fast Place 快速...
注意,"additionalutilities:block/machine_block"这里的"additionalutilities"是modid 然后,在models/block里面新建一个json文件 注意:这里的文件名称要与blockstates的文件名称相对应 编写json代码 {"parent":"minecraft:block/cube_all","textures":{"all":"additionalutilities:block/machine_block"}} 接着,在models/...
使用@preInitTargetBlock方法来初始化红靶心Block. 设置resource目录结构 在src/main/resources目录下, 创建如下目录和文件, 将MODID替换为TargetBlockMod.MODID,BLOCK_REGISTRY_NAME替换为TargetBlock.REGISTRY_NAME,BLOCK_UNLOCALIZED_NAME替换为TargetBlock.UNLOCALIZED_NAME,BLOCK_NAME替换为TargetBlock.NAME. src/main/r...
Text shadowboxes now have the correct opacity on interactable block screens Marketplace and Dressing Room cycle buttons now show navigation chevron when using a controller and controller hints are disabled (MCPE-147711) 现在使用控制器且控制器提示被禁用时,市场和更衣室的循环按钮会显示导航栏 V 形图案...
首先找到GT的配置文件夹,你会看到这么几个文件: BlockItemIDs.cfg DynamicConfig.cfg GregTech.cfg GregTech.lang Recipes.cfg 其中:BlockItemIDs.cfg与GregTech.lang一般用户用不到,若你真的用到了,说明你不需要改配置,你是来做整合/抢闪灵饭碗的。 Recipes.cfg中只有一项:# Configuration file ### usefu z...
Blockcraftery Mod for Minecraft (1.20.5 - 1.19.4). It is an incredible creation which allows you to build any structure within no time.
Vivecraft on 1.20.1 causes the game to instantly crashes when booted into VR mode or when joining into multiplayer servers with VR off. I'm on a meta quest 3 if that's needed. --- Minecraft Crash Report --- // Daisy, daisy... Time: 202...
One block yields nine nether warts. Nightmare Stew Nightmare Stew is a brand new item added to this mod pack that confers the Bad Luck status effect for 10 minutes (half a day). When any player has Bad Luck, all hostile mobs will be able to spawn as normal. As per usual, you can ...
我的世界MinecraftMod1.19Mod开发 改为 public static final BooleanProperty LIT = BlockStateProperties.LIT; 不用自己create一个 在public ZirconLampBlock(Properties properties)方法中加入 this.registerDefaultState(this.stateDefinition.any().setValue(LIT, false)); ...
-TPS Sync 将点击延迟与服务器的TPS同步 -Block 副手持有盾牌时会进行格挡(右手持剑时) -Safe 重生/重进游戏后自动关闭 -NoSwing 不显示攻击动作 -Lock View 锁定攻击视角 -攻击对象 -Teammates 队友 -Invisible 隐形生物 -Sleeping 睡觉中的生物 -Friends 标记为朋友的玩家 -Player 玩家 -Hostile 敌对生物 -Pas...