How to Set World Spawn on MinecraftThis guide will show you simple commands in setting these points for your Minecraft server.The first step is to make sure you have been set as the server operator. Next, log into your Minecraft server.To set the world spawn location to the person's ...
0.16.0build 1 加入了/clearfixedinv、/clone、/deop、/execute、/fill、/gamemode、/give、/help(及其别名/?)、/kill、/list、/op、/say、/setblock、/setfixedinvslot、/setworldspawn、/spawnpoint、/summon、/tell(及其别名/msg和/w)、/testforblock、/testforblocks、/time、/toggledownfall、/tp(及其别...
After being placed in the world, Copper Blocks will oxidize slowly over time, turning to exposed ...
/camerashake 启用镜头抖动效果。 /changesetting 更改一个正在运行的服务器的设置。 /clear 从玩家物品栏中删除物品。 /clearspawnpoint 从世界中移除出生点。 /clone 将特定区域的方块复制到另一处。 /connect /wsserver的替代命令,连接至一个WebSocket服务器。 是 /damage 对指定实体造成伤害。 /data 允许玩家获...
/changesetting 更改一个正在运行的服务器的设置。 /clear 从玩家物品栏中删除物品。 /clearspawnpoint 从世界中移除出生点。 /clone 将特定区域的方块复制到另一处。 /connect /wsserver的替代命令,连接至一个WebSocket服务器。 /damage 对指定实体造成伤害。
[Server] 15:02:38 [NOTICE] Spawn terrain for level "world" is being generated in the background[Server] 15:02:39 [INFO] Starting GS4 status listener[Server] 15:02:39 [INFO] Setting query port to 19132[Server] 15:02:39 [INFO] Query running on[Server] 15:02:39 [...
/changesettingChanges a setting on the dedicated server while it's running.OwnerYes /clearClears items from player inventory.Game DirectorsYes /clearspawnpointRemoves the spawn point for a player.Game DirectorsYes /cloneClones a set of blocks from one region to another.Game DirectorsYes ...
Fixed that the multiplayer toggle in the Create New World screen sometimes wasn't greyed out even though the setting would have no effect 修复了创建新的世界屏幕中的多人游戏选项即使无效也会偶尔不变灰的问题 Fixed a graphical issue where a gamepad icon would display over another screen 修复了游戏...
Default is 1.Values above 2 will overwhelm the separate landmasses setting with an otherwise default config. //在separateLandmasses关闭的情况下让大陆更多的连在一起,具体没做过实验I:"Land Expansion Rounds"=1# True mostly stops landmasses merging.With default settings you will get an oceanic ...
); targetLocation.dimension.spawnItem(onePickaxe, diamondPickaxeLoc); } (preview) Work with this sample on the code sandbox.givePlayerEquipment.tsTypeScript 复制 import { world, ItemStack, EntityEquippableComponent, EquipmentSlot, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation } from "@...