服务器地址:pe.mineplex.com 端口:19132 服务器名称:Mineville City 服务器地址:play.inpvp.net 端口:19132 服务器名称:The Hive 服务器地址:hivebedrock.network 端口:19132 服务器名称:Lifeboat Network 服务器地址:play.lbsg.net 端口:19132 服务器名称:CubeCraft Games 服务器地址:mco.cubecraft.net 端口:19132...
Browse the list down below to get an outstanding Minecraft server that feels good for you. Simply choose the server, copy the Server Address IP and paste it in your Minecraft client at the Multiplayer option. Mineplex – Server Introducing the number one Minecraft Server globally. We provide ab...
Now you can type the server IP address in the "server address" box. Click “Done” and then click “Join Server”. If you did everything correctly, you should be connected to the server and able to play with others. Minecraft IP List MinecraftIPList Discord + Support + ...
本吧热帖: 1-有人说这服全黑客 2-关于gem 看很多贴说有个新手教程的村民 3-mineplex如何解ban??? 4-想问问各位吧友是怎么玩的下去mineplex的 5-那个啊,很久都不来了,搞个帖子 6-两年前因为用加速IP被封了,现在申诉还有救吗(Java版) 7-mineplex基岩版服务器物品栏的东
mineplex吧 关注: 781 贴子: 6,674 IP us.mineplex.com 正版可进 目录: 其他游戏及话题 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 图册精选 全部(0) 图片小编: 本吧暂无图片小编 mineplex吧还没有创建图册,先去看看贴子吧©2024 Baidu 贴吧协议 | 隐私政策 | 吧主制度 | 意见反馈 | 网络谣言警示 扫码...
featured_servers 如果为true,则特色服务器将显示在服务器列表中。如果为false,则隐藏服务器。 true whitelist 指定包含白名单玩家列表的文件。(应该是一个文本文件,在单独的行中指定球员姓名) fetch_featured_ips 如果为true,则从域名中动态获取特色服务器IP。如果为false,将生成一个文件featured_server_ips.json,...
本吧热帖: 1-有人说这服全黑客 2-关于gem 看很多贴说有个新手教程的村民 3-mineplex如何解ban??? 4-想问问各位吧友是怎么玩的下去mineplex的 5-那个啊,很久都不来了,搞个帖子 6-两年前因为用加速IP被封了,现在申诉还有救吗(Java版) 7-mineplex基岩版服务器物品栏的东
Rust server hosting: Create your own server During its Early Access phase at the end of 2013, it quickly became clear that the survival computer game Rust had a lot of potential and after just one month, the game had sold half a million copies. Today, thanks to the Rust servers of vari...
Mineplex IP: us.mineplex.com or pe.mineplex.com Our next recommendation also happens to be one of the largest Minecraft servers and offers an abundance of activities to keep players coming back. OnMineplex, players can explore a wide selection of FPS, fighting, and survival-inspired game modes...
Here’s the Server address to join Mineplex: us.mineplex.com (United States), hub.mineplex.com (US and EU Based), mineplex.eu (Actually US mineplex, but with a different IP) clans.mineplex.com or clanseu.mineplex.com (Clans Europe/US Hub) or pe.mineplex.com (Pocket Edition) ...