ServerPlayer对tick进行了覆盖 由于Player是LivingEntity的子类,翻找过后,发现在服务器端的ServerPlayer覆盖了tick并且没有进行super调用,而我们普通LivingEntity进行移动正是通过tick调用aiStep进而调用travel实现移动的!并且在这个新的tick里面,并没有aiStep和travel的踪迹... 那么ServerPlayer是怎么实现移动的?? 那么在这...
被治愈的僵尸村民保持CanPickUpLoot:0b MC-276638 - The server console or LAN game output spammed with "PLAYER moved too quickly!" after a player dies and respawns 服务器或局域网游戏控制台在玩家死亡和重生后输出显示“玩家移动得太快了!” MC-276646 - Unique Horse Armor sound event is no longer...
How long the server waits for a player to return a KeepAlive packet before disconnecting them Raised to 120 seconds from the vanilla value of 30 seconds by default In addition, RandomPatches allows the interval at which KeepAlive packets are sent to clients to be configured, although it is re...
Improve Server Connection Speed:Improves the speed of connecting to servers by setting the InetAddress host name to the IP in situations where it can be represented as the IP address, preventing getHostFromNameService from being to be run Incurable Potions:Excludes potion effects from being curable...
New APIs moved from beta to stable @minecraft/server 1.2.0: @minecraft/server 1.2.0 中的新 API 由 beta 移动至 stable: Moving applyDamage(amount: number, options?: EntityApplyDamageByProjectileOptions | EntityApplyDamageOptions): boolean to 1.2.0 将applyDamage(amount: number, options?: Entity...
of changes here on and in the #leaderboard-changelog channel in theMinecraft Java Speedrunning Discord server, albeit in a slightly more structured format. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to open a thread in the #help channel in the Discord server...
AI Improvements: Replaces/removes entity AI for improved server performance Always Eat: Allows the consumption of food at any time, regardless of the hunger bar Always Return to Main Menu: Always returns the player to the main menu when quitting the game Anvil XP Level Cap: Sets the experienc...
Live Map: See all builds, in 3d, in real time, with player locations and cave maps!Click Here to see! Discord Server: We have a discord server synced up with the in-game chat, so you can keep in touch via discord, chat, or both!
[16:46:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (37.076s)! For help, type "help" [17:06:27] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498] [17:06:27] [main/WARN]: Amb...
Hardcore mode is a survival mode variant that is locked to the hardest setting and has permadeath, which permanently deletes the world if the player dies.[46] If a player dies on a multiplayer server set to hardcore, they are put into spectator mode.[47] Creative...