“Essentially, the squid was moved by a velocity vector,” explains Jens. “When it hit the ...
publicoverridevoidHandlePacket(MinecraftServer server, MinecraftClient client){if(client.Entity.Position.DistanceTo(Position) >6)//TODO:Use client.Reachreturn;varitem = client.Entity.Inventory[client.Entity.SelectedSlot];if(item !=null&& item.Id ==0xFFFF) item.Id =0;if(item !=null) { item.I...
A warning screen is shown on the client when joining a server with Chat Preview, and it can be globally disabled in Chat Settings 当你使用聊天预览进入服务器的时候,客户端上将显示一个警告窗口,但你可以在“聊天设置”中完全禁用这个窗口 CHAT TYPES 聊天类型 Different chat style formats can now be ...
Explosions caused by player-ignited TNT now cause experience to drop from broken blocks (such as ...
- Redesigned the "Screen takes too long to load" loading bar panel to have only a simple spinner image.- Redesigned the Pack Info Screen for a cleaner look, and added pack size label to the info panel.- Moved the "Filter Search" text box in Server Form Screen behind a "Search" ...
experimental-godmode-patch: false tab-complete-crash-patch: # Patches two lag exploits and an instant server shutdown exploit that # works by sending a malicious TabComplete packet that triggers a # StackOverflowError inside the TagParser class. enable: true log: false kick-player: false remove...
AI Improvements: Replaces/removes entity AI for improved server performance Always Eat: Allows the consumption of food at any time, regardless of the hunger bar Always Return to Main Menu: Always returns the player to the main menu when quitting the game Anvil XP Level Cap: Sets the experienc...
Configurable player speed limits On Minecraft 1.9 and higher, this removes the rubber banding and the " moved too quickly!" log spam that occurs when players move too fast. The normal movement speed, elytra movement speed and vehicle movement speed limits can be configured. This feature disables...
(1.3.1-1.16.1) Extra Options 2.0.0: Moved config storage to a new file outside options.txt, added options for controlling whether the effects drawn bows and fluids have on FOV are affected by the FOV Effects Slider, and ported to 1.3.1-1.13.2. ...
在实体谓词中的一些相互独立的测试(player, fishing_hook, lightning_bolt 和 catType)现在统一到了 type_specific 域 Removed the placefeature command 移除了 placefeature 指令 Added the place command 添加了 place 指令 The locate command is now moved to locate structure, locatebiome is moved to locate...