Welcome to the second in ourseries of Linux gaming postsin the run up to the holidays. This week, we’ve put together a tutorial that teaches you how to create a basic Minecraft Server on aRaspberry Piwith Ubuntu Desktop, so you can play locally with your friends. This is a great afte...
With your server initialized, your first step is to installJava; you’ll need it to run Minecraft. By default, Ubuntu 18.04 does not provide a recent enough version of Java in order to run the newest releases of Minecraft. Fortunately, there are third-party maintainers who continue to build...
You also need to use a software calledscreento create detachable server sessions.screenallows you to create a terminal session and detach from it, leaving the process started on it running. This is important because if you were to start your server and then close your terminal, this would kil...
wget https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/a0d03225615ba897619220e256a266cb33a44b6b/server.jar -P ~/server 配置Minecraft 服务器 下载完成后,切换到~/server目录并启动 Minecraft 服务器: cd ~/serverjava -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui 第一次启动时,服务器执行一些操作,创建server....
四、在 Ubuntu 上安装 Minecraft 在开始安装过程之前,切换到minecraft用户: 代码语言:javascript 复制 sudo su-minecraft 运行下面的命令在用户主目录下创建三个新的目录: 代码语言:javascript 复制 mkdir-p~/{backups,tools,server} backups目录将会存储 服务器备份。你可以同步这个目录到你的远程备份服务器。
您的服务器现在可用于传入连接。单击加入服务器进行连接: 你现在可以和你的朋友在服务器的世界里玩Minecraft。怎么样,简单吗?感觉去搭建你的我的世界服务器吧! 更多Linux教程请前往腾讯云+社区学习更多知识。 参考文献:《How to Set Up a Minecraft Server on Ubuntu or Debian》...
Deployment Server I'm using here is a roommate before on a Windows server has been equipped with good news,It is no longer a separate download,The server packagescpTo the vps can extract。 but,To run mc,So may not always start,Command too difficult to remember,We wrote a script to star...
mcsm适配市面上大多数发行的操作系统,本文中使用的系统为Ubuntu Server 23.10(mantic)。 mcsm的自动安装脚本会自动安装所需的环境,所以并不需要进行额外的配置。但在使用手动安装时需要自行配置 Node 环境,本文使用自动安装脚本的方式进行安装。 二.安装 使用ssh连接到你的服务器,并在终端中输入以下命令: ...
1.Ubuntu 16.04 installed or Debian 8 installed on server 2.2GB RAM required (4GB Recommended) 3.Fast Internet (Provided with every ECS on Alibaba Cloud) Before you begin: Before you begin installation of Minecraft on your server, you will have to follow steps below: ...
Sets up a Minecraft Bedrock dedicated server on Ubuntu / Debian with options for automatic updates, backups and running automatically at startup. View installation instructions at: https://jamesachambers.com/minecraft-bedrock-edition-ubuntu-dedicated-server-guide/ If you are looking for a Docker co...