/setworldspawn Sets the location where new players or players who die will spawn in the world. Game Directors Yes /spawnpoint Sets the spawn point for a player. Game Directors Yes /spreadplayers Teleports entities to random locations. Game Directors Yes /stop Stops the server. This command is...
public static boolean isOP(ICommandSender sender) { return Arrays.asList(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().getPlayerList().getOppedPlayers().getKeys()) .contains(sender.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US)) || (MainProxy.proxy.checkSinglePlayerOwner(sender.getName())); } ...
import { world, MusicOptions, WorldSoundOptions, PlayerSoundOptions, DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function playMusicAndSound(targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { const players = world.getPlayers(); const musicOptions: MusicOptions = { fade: 0.5, loop: true, volume: 1.0, }; world...
7.#启用服务器的白名单(开启后非白名单用户无法连接服务器) white-list=false 8.#服务器同时能容纳的最大玩家数量(在服内的玩家越多,服务端运行所需的内存就越大) max-players=20 填写完后按快捷键“ Ctrl+S ”保存即可。 第四部分:第三次运行Minecraft_sever 服务端 1.双击【sbart.bat】,稍等一下 如果...
Top Minecraft Servers 2024 VotesNameServerPlayersStatus 348 votes Absolut.GG jogar.absolutgg.com.br Copy 10/130 266 votes SlowNerd play.slownerd.ninja Copy 1/50 87 votes SkyNation SkyNation.blockworlds.io Copy 0/0 40 votes FadeHQ Squid Game FadeHQ » SquidGame Season 2 coming soon!
import{ world, ItemStack, EntityInventoryComponent, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ MinecraftItemTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";functiongivePlaceRestrictedGoldBlock(targetLocation: DimensionLocation){for(constplayer of world.getAllPlayers()) {constspecialGoldBlock...
/ops displays a full list of opped players /ops /perf This command runs a short debug function for 10 seconds. It will create files for you in your server’s debug folder that will give a detailed overview of what is happening on your server. This is particularly useful for diagnosing ...
/execute <subcommand: Option_If_Unless> score <target: target> <objective: string> <operation: compare operator> <source: target> <objective: string> [chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0] /execute <subcommand: Option_If_Unless> score <target: target> <objective: string> matches <range: inte...
white-list=false spawn-animals=true hardcore=false snooper-enabled=true online-mode=false resource-pack= pvp=true difficulty=1 server-name=Unknown Server enable-command-block=true gamemode=0 player-idle-timeout=0 max-players=20 ←最大玩家在线人数 ...