server-name=Dedicated Server# Used as the server name# Allowed values: Any stringgamemode=survival# Sets the game mode for new players.# Allowed values: "survival", "creative", or "adventure"difficulty=easy# Sets the difficulty of the world.# Allowed values: "peaceful", "easy", "normal",...
• enable-jmx-monitoring:是否启用JMX监控(通常用于服务器性能监控)。 • enable-query:是否启用查询(允许第三方工具查询服务器信息)。 • enable-rcon:是否启用远程控制(RCON,用于远程管理服务器)。 • enable-status:是否允许客户端查询服务器状态。 • enforce-secure-profile:是否强制要求玩家使用安全配置...
server-name=THE LIFE # 用作服务器名称 # 允许的值:任何不包含分号的字符串。 gamemode=survival # 为新玩家设置游戏模式。 # 允许的值:"survival","creative"或"adventure" force-gamemode=false # force-gamemode=false(或者在server.properties中未定义force-gamemode) # 阻止服务器向客户端发送除服务器在创建...
本教程基于项目进行部署,详情请参阅。 快速部署 docker run -d -it --name mc -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE -v /home/minecraft/data:/data itzg/minecraft-server --name mc:设置容器名,此处设置...
gamemode=Sets the game mode for new players, values are as follows: survival (0), creative (1), adventure (2).broadcast-console-to-ops=Sends console command outputs to all online operators.enable-query=Enables GameSpy4 protocol server listener. Used to get information about the server....
#Minecraft server properties #Wed May 15 05:00:42 UTC 2024 accepts-transfers=false allow-flight=false allow-nether=true broadcast-console-to-ops=true broadcast-rcon-to-ops=true difficulty=easy enable-command-block=false enable-jmx-monitoring=false ...
In Minecraft, each player can express their unique style of play, creative needs, and perspective toward the world around them. One more recent example of this is the “Dream SMP (Survival Multiplayer)” server, which is a group of YouTubers/Twitch streamers who play together as a group an...
online-mode=true max-build-height=256 level-seed= prevent-proxy-connections=false use-native-transport=true motd=A Minecraft Serverenable-rcon=false Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important properties in this list: difficulty(defaulteasy) - This sets the difficulty of the game...
/unban [player]: Unban a player from the server. /kick [player]: Kick a player off the server. /tp [player] [target]: Teleport a player to another player or location. /gamemode [mode] [player]: Change a player’s game mode (e.g., survival, creative, adventure). /give [player]...
注:这是java版的服务端参数,参数介绍翻译自Mojang官方文档,地址: {% note primary spawn-protection=16 %} 通过将该值进行(x*2)+1的运算来决定出生点的保护半径。设置为0将不会禁用出生点保护。 设置为0将会保护位于出生点的1x1方块区域, ...