为特定玩家设置出生点,可在任意维度使用。 Java版 spawnpoint [<玩家>] [<坐标>] [<角度>] 基岩版 spawnpoint [player: target] [spawnPos: x y z] 玩家(基岩版:player: target)(可选) 指定被更改出生点的玩家。必须是一个玩家名或目标选择器。如果没有指定,默认为命
/spawnpoint,由spawn和point组合而成。point即“点”的意思,也就是说,spawn point就是出生点的意思。只不过它设定的并不是世界的出生点,而是单个或多个玩家的重生点。 /spawnpoint 作用:设定一个或多个玩家的重生点。 需要权限等级:Java-2,基岩-1 需要作弊:是竮 格式: Java1.16及以上版本 /spawnpoint [<玩...
额,好吧,/setspawn是指在服务器中新玩家在登入时的地点,而/spawnpoint通常在单机中设置某玩家的出生点,因为是单机,所以一般是你自己 ,只代表本人的观点,望采纳。
GameRuleChangeAfterEventSignal GameRules InputInfo ItemCompleteUseAfterEvent ItemCompleteUseAfterEventSignal ItemCompleteUseEvent ItemComponent ItemComponentBeforeDurabilityDamageEvent ItemComponentCompleteUseEvent ItemComponentConsumeEvent ItemComponentHitEntityEvent ItemComponentMineBlockEvent ItemComponentRegistry ItemCompo...
方法名:setSpawnPoint WorldServer.setSpawnPoint介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: thraaawn/CompactMachines @EventHandler publicvoidonServerAboutToStart(FMLServerAboutToStartEventevent){ for(WorldServerworld:event.getServer().worlds){ if(world.getChunkProvider().chunkGeneratorinstanceofSkyChunkGenerator...
Steps to change your Spawn Point 1. Place a Bed It is most common for you to sleep in your bed at night during your game. If you don't have a bed in your inventory, you can quickly make one with acrafting recipe for a bed. ...
Launch Minecraft and join your server with theIP Address:Port. Once in-game, head to the desired spawn location and open chat. Proceed to run the/setworldspawncommand, which will set the spawn point for all players. Afterward, execute the/gamerule spawnRadius 0command so every user will spaw...
Find "server.properties" and click "Change".Locate the "spawn-protection=" field. By default, it is set to 16.If you want to completely turn spawn-protection off, change the value of 16 to 0.Click "Save" and wait for the changes to take effect. ...
)、/kill、/list、/op、/say、/setblock、/setfixedinvslot、/setworldspawn、/spawnpoint、/summon、/tell(及其别名/msg和/w)、/testforblock、/testforblocks、/time、/toggledownfall、/tp(及其别名/teleport)、/weather、/wsserver和/xp命令。 大部分命令的功能与Java版1.10相同。差别在于:不支持数据标签、...
What's server.properties in Minecraft? server.properties is a super cool file in your Minecraft server. It lets you change lots of different server settings! What's spawn protection and how to control it? Spawn protection is just like a force field around your spawn point. By tweaking spawn...