server-port:By default, the Spigot server can be accessed to port 25565, but you can change it with this parameter. level-seed:Each world is generated from a seed. If you want a specific world, you can enter a seed here, delete the world folder and restart the server to get this exa...
(,,], RUNNABLE Thread-6: [org.fusesource.jansi.internal.Kernel32._getch(Native Method),
# spigot.ymlconfig-version: 12settings: debug: false # 调试模式 bungeecord: false # 启用bungeecord timeout-time: 60 restart-on-crash: true # 是否在服务器崩溃时重启 restart-script: ./ # 重启使用的命令 netty-threads: 4 user-cache-size: 1000 sample-count: 12 player-shuffle: 0 move...
Vanilla 对于 Java 版来说,绝大多数服务端的始祖便是 Mojang 提供的官方服务端了,按照习惯,我们把官服叫做 Vanilla(香草,代指纯净[纯净服务端有歧义]) 其实他本身的名字应该是 Minecraft_Server(但是大多数情况下我们不会用这个名字) Vanilla 有以下的属性 不支持除了原生 Minecraft 外的任何特性内容 Mojang 官方支...
version:"3"services:mc:image:itzg/minecraft-serverports: -25565:25565environment:EULA:"TRUE"tty:truestdin_open:truerestart:unless-stopped and in the same directory as that file run docker-compose up -d Now, go play...or adjust theenvironmentsection to configure this server instance. ...
Servers: The automated server setup has also changed, make sure to check the README for instructions.Servers: The server files contain a server-guide.txt that explains what to do, but it's pretty much just download, unzip and double-click the appropriate start-server script...
Describe the problem I've been doing several tests for two days, from what I've seen in the documentation, the recommended thing is to use "AUTO_CURSEFORGE" but it doesn't even load the map. Right now I'm just referencing the files local...
TypeScript复制 import{ world, BlockPermutation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ MinecraftDimensionTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";exportdefaultclassUtilities {staticfillBlock( blockPerm: BlockPermutation, xFrom:number, yFrom:number, zFrom:number, xTo:number, yTo:number, zTo:number) {const...
If you add mods or make changes to while the container is running, you'll need to restart it to pick those up: docker stop mc docker start mc Using separate mounts This is the easiest way if you are using an ephemeral /data filesystem, or downloading a world with th...
The parameters to the subscription method for the event. Auto complete will display this for you Returns ReturnType<minecraftserver.WorldAfterEvents[T]['subscribe']> teardown teardown(): void Cleans up the set of internal registrations and subscriptions. Returns void反馈...