Before entering a seed, make sure that it is specifically designed for your platform so that you end up with the compatible seed ready to play. There also aren't nearly as many seeds for consoles as there are for the other editions, but more are being created all the time. ...
If you're a lover of remote survival island seeds, this is a great one to plant your flag in. You're truly alone out here at the center of this frozen ocean with only icebergs to see for hundreds of blocks around you. A small taiga forest is yours to survive in. Source: PC Gamer...
It’s at the top of a small mountain beside one of the villages, where you can also get some pink wood. It’s by far one of the prettiest and best Minecraft seeds I’ve visited. 3. Desert Temple and Village Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas/ Beebom) ...
Trial Chambers are the newest structure in Minecraft 1.21, so seeds containing them at the start like this one are welcome sights. This Trial Chamber is even cooler for Java players because it holds a ruined portal. The portal's Netherrack seeps through the walls, contrasting nicely with the ...
This unique ocean-based seed will put you on a Minecraft adventure you've never tried before! It begins in the middle of a large Lukewarm Ocean with only a few small Plains biome islands. To survive, you'll need to find land and loot resources like wood and crops from shipwrecks in ...
末地小型岛屿(Small End Islands)作为外岛的一部分生成,由较大的岛屿和它周围较小的圆形岛屿及其之间的空隙组成。这里不会生成紫颂树和末地城。 末地小型岛屿生物的生成规律与末地生物群系相同。 末地内陆 此特性为Java版独有。 末地内陆(End Midlands)作为外岛的一部分生成,位于每个末地大型岛屿的地势较平缓的...
I:"Incidence of Continents,Small"=60# frequency of large island seeds, about 500x1000 //500x1000左右大小的岛屿生成机遇I:"Incidence of Islands,Large"=30# frequency of medium island seeds, about 250x500, but they tend to break up into archipelagos //250x500左右大小的群岛生成机遇I:"Incidence...
———– Survival Islands Seed: survival islands This seed is littered with small islands, a great survival map. Get more seeds in Guidecraft – Furniture, Seed and Crafting Guide for Minecraft
15. Watered Down – Best Minecraft Seeds Exclusively for the PS4 SeedVersion 1408425816 1.23 If you want to reproduce scenes from Waterworld starring Kevin Costner, this in-game seed is your best bet. The entire planet appears to revolve completely around a group of islands, with more ocean ...
Before Mojang actually implements shipping ports in Minecraft, players can enjoy seeds like this. Here, you spawn in a beach village that has a perfectly preserved top-tier shipwreck on the shore. You can put the loot and wood to good use or preserve the ship as a monument. ...