Village Coordinates: X: -34, Z: -26 Being a Minecraft beginner can be overwhelming as you might need to travel long distances to get valuable resources. However, don’t worry as this seed gifts you three villages at the spawn point, along with a cute littlecherry grove biomenearby. ...
The ridge itself is dotted with a dozen exposed cave entrances, and really flexes the mountainous terrain introduced in 1.18.Source: /r/minecraftseeds (Image credit: Mojang) Towering mesa island village Seed: -3137932460246144489 | Version 1.20 From your first steps at spawn you'll have a ...
There is another village nearby at coordinates 800, -350, and all that area is also covered with gorgeous pink cherry blossom trees. Screenshot by GameSkinny Seed: -5534360992081549941 Spawn: 50, 50 Biomes: Plains. Double village at spawn with blacksmith, but one is a zombie village! This m...
That makes this seed with a Stronghold and a guaranteed End Portal less than 1,000 blocks from Spawn a special one! There's a Taiga Village above the Stronghold to help you prepare for it. You'll also find a Trial Chamber and a ruined Nether portal east of the village....
level-seed= #地图种子号,用种子生成新世界用server-ip= #服务器IP,可不填max-build-height=256 #最高建筑高度spawn-npcs=true #地图是否生成NPC(村民等) true=是white-list=false #是否开启白名单功能 开启后,玩家加入联机游戏需服主在white-list.txt中添加玩家IDspawn-animals=true #地图生成动物online-mode...
Seed name:CANTBESAVED Seed code:1594305760 System:PC/Mac 5.Village Cut in Half by Ravine You'll spawn right near a small village that’s close to a number of different biomes including plains, and ocean, and forests. The world is home to a large ravine, which is where you will find ...
Desert Village #2:1494 63 -1163 Nether Locations Nether Portal was created very close to spawn. Warped Forest Biome:105 93 -62 Basalt Delta Biome:-53 86 -172 Soul Sand Valley Biome:-214 46 -240 Bastion Remnant:23 36 -151 10. Rivers Intersecting at Spawn Seed ...
#Minecraft server properties#Sat Aug 24 11:06:22 CST 2013generator-settings=allow-nether=truelevel-name=worldenable-query=falseallow-flight=falseserver-port=25565level-type=DEFAULTenable-rcon=falselevel-seed=force-gamemode=falseserver-ip=max-build-height=256spawn-npcs=truewhite-list=falsespawn-...
A guide filled with 41 of the best Minecraft seeds for 1.21.4 that we've ever come across, from fantastic diamond spawns to survival islands and more!,
SpawnZ: 玩家出生点坐标Z轴,默认值为0。 StorageVersion:基岩版存储工具版本,目前为8。 XBLBroadcastIntent:允许什么用户进行Xbox联机。1为仅邀请,2为仅好友,3为好友的好友。 currentTick:当前的游戏刻。 LastPlayed:玩家在最后一次退出游戏时的Unix时间戳(秒)。 RandomSeed:世界的种子号。 Time:以刻数形式储存的...