Writeup on Java Random LCG in context of Minecraft by Neil (hube12) himself , also goes a bit into seedcracking methodology☆☆☆ Mess Detector Article Script - Has a bit of relevant info☆☆☆ Predicting Math.Random() case but provides easy to understand info on LCGs in general On ...
crossbowQuickCharge = 快速装填 curse_binding = 绑定诅咒 curse_vanishing = 消失诅咒 damage_all = 锋利 damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability = 耐久 fire = 火焰附加 fishingSpeed = 饵钓 frostwalker = 冰霜行者 knockback = 击退 lootBonus = 抢夺 lootBonusDi...
Describe the problem I've been doing several tests for two days, from what I've seen in the documentation, the recommended thing is to use "AUTO_CURSEFORGE" but it doesn't even load the map. Right now I'm just referencing the files local...
Add item descriptions for the Apiarist Suit, Habitat Locator, and Scoop - mezz Add better documentation for Frames - mezz Fix tooltip rendering - mezz Pack fences into fewer block IDs - mezz Add better debugging for WoodItemAccess - mezz Close #1114 add palm doors - mezz #1114 slightly imp...
curse_vanishing = 消失诅咒 damage_all = 锋利 damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability = 耐久 fire = 火焰附加 fishingSpeed = 饵钓 frostwalker = 冰霜行者 knockback = 击退 lootBonus = 抢夺 lootBonusDigger = 时运 ...
crossbowQuickCharge = 快速装填 curse_binding = 绑定诅咒 curse_vanishing = 消失诅咒 damage_all = 锋利 damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability = 耐久 fire = 火焰附加 fishingSpeed = 饵钓 frostwalker = 冰霜行者 ...