Use @minecraft/server.TicksPerSecond constant to convert between ticks and seconds. Type: number Notes: This property can throw errors when used. typeId read-only typeId: string; Gets the type id of this effect. Type: string Notes: This property can throw errors when used....
neighbor_block_ticks:升级数据中保存的将进行的方块计划刻。 :一个方块计划刻。 见计划刻格式。 neighbor_fluid_ticks:升级数据中保存的将进行的流体计划刻。 :一个流体计划刻。 见计划刻格式。 Sides:其中的二进制位表示是否对某一方向上的方块进行更新升级,从低位到高位分别表示北、东北、东、东南、南、...
Timeout when connecting to a multiplayer game has been reduced from 180 to 90 seconds 连接到多人...
Added the player's cause of death to the death screen 将玩家死亡原因添加到了死亡页面 Music is ...
cooldown_ticks: The number of ticks before the warning_level can be increased again. Decreases by 1 every tick. It is set to 200 game ticks (10 seconds) every time the warning level is increased. ticks_since_last_warning: The number of ticks since the player was warned for warden spawni...
. He then sets the repeater after the first sand block to 3 ticks, and the repeater before that to 4 ticks. The machine then plays the kick and snare that Blue was playing. Pattern: (. - .-) Red and Blue are excited, and Red adds two more note blocks to his 3 block instrument....
Can grow to a max height of 12 to 16 blocks When sprinkled with bone meal, bamboo will grow with one or two bamboo blocks on the top When struck with a sword, bamboo will instantly break Two bamboo can be crafted into a single stick Can be used as fuel, with four bamboo required to...
Amount of time for the title and subtitle to stay in place, in ticks. There are 20 ticks per second. Use@minecraft/server.TicksPerSecondconstant to convert between ticks and seconds. Type:number subtitle subtitle?: (RawMessage | string)[] | RawMessage | string; ...
Leaves now have a small chances to drop sticks. 树叶有小概率掉落木棍 Chorus Fruit Flowers now break when shot by an arrow. 紫颂果花可以被弓箭破坏 Dead Bushes can not be used as Furnace fuel. 枯死的灌木不能再用作熔炉燃料了 Rabbit Stew and Beetroot Soup has now been changed to a shapeles...
# Enable Subtitle Text on screen when teleporting to Home # Default: false enable-home-subtitle: false # Default Home Count # Default: 3 default-home-count: 3 # How many Seconds the Player has to wait before they are teleported to Home (in Seconds) ...