A full error report has been saved to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\启动\minecraft151LQSMODZW\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2015-01-01_20.28.42-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will ...
Screen类: publicclassStoreScreenextendsContainerScreen<StoreContainer>{privatestaticfinalResourceLocationSTORE_SCREEN=newResourceLocation("additionalutilities","textures/gui/store_screen.png");privatefinalPlayerEntityplayer;publicStoreScreen(PlayerEntityplayer){this(newStoreContainer(0,player.inventory),player.invent...
If you’ve ever watched any modded series on YouTube, you might have noticed that players have some kind of an item and block search tab on the right side of the screen. This is one of the most popular Minecraft mods ever made – JEI, AKA Just Enough Items. Pretty much every modpack...
提供海量我的世界1.8mod大全,Minecraft1.8mod下载,希望广大玩家喜欢。 我的世界1.21.1-1.8JEI物品管理器 Just Enough Items Mod下载 2024年9月10日MOD大全2 JEI物品管理器 Just Enough Items Mod由作者“mezz”所制作。 该mod用于查看物品合成方法的Mod,在刚开始构建时,它就具有一定的稳定性。 按“R”键可以查询...
Web Displays Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 (Internet, Cinema, Youtube) Updated:July 30, 2023 ✅ 442 views ⭐ Versions: 🌏 Supports: ✅ Download Web Displays Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 adds a Web Screen Block. It allows you to search the internet while in Minecraft. This is of the most unique...
Screen transitions make navigation feel more fluid, and a re-vamped in-game menu unifies the in-game experience with the main menu's new style. This mod is only available as part ofThe VoxelModPack. The VoxelModPack ...
Curios API:前置Mod Dynamic FPS:动态FPS,自动降低游戏在未聚焦(降至1 FPS)或最小化时(完全不渲染)的游戏帧数,还修复了原版游戏的一个会使游戏在后台占用更多性能的bug Dark Loading Screen:黑暗载入动画 Diggus Maximus:连锁挖矿,使挖掘相同矿脉更加容易。只需要按住“excavate”键(默认绑定到~键,服务器+客户端...
on the event and the time. For example, most people get the picture about the blood splatter effects which pop up on your screen if you’re playing a first person shooter game. Well, in the same way, if you were to walk into lava in Minecraft, your screen would fill up with smoke....
MidnightControls is a mod which provides controller and touchscreen support in Minecraft: Java Edition. It also includes some Bedrock Edition parity and reach-around features! Features: Controller support Touchscreen support Keyboard controls to look around. ...
Basically, the Second Screen mod lets you use your mobile device to show information about your Minecraft world, which can be reviewed whenever you have a free minute. It will list online players, along with the message of the day on a server, but that’s just the start. It also provide...