沙丘城市 Sand Dune City _ LinsCraft 490币 我的世界基岩版 官方商城收费模组 01:11 中国水乡混搭包 Chinese Water Town Mash-up Trailer 990币 我的世界基岩版 官方商城收费模组 01:31 麒麟城 Kylin City _ LinsCraft 490币 我的世界基岩版 官方商城收费模组 01:06 客家土楼 House of the Hakkas _ ...
Minecraft wait what meme part 332 (Realistic House Head-Steve)【搬运】 11:04 Minecraft wait what meme part 330 (BUS EATER)【搬运】 10:31 Minecraft wait what meme part 328 (Big Scary Alex) 10:40 Minecraft wait what meme part 331 (Realistic House Head)【搬运】 10:30 Minecraft wait...
Interior: Pay attention to the interior of the castle, creating bedrooms and other useful rooms. Guard Tower and Guard House: Include a Guard Tower and Guard House within the castle to enhance its depth and establish a solid line of defense. Creating a two-in-one castle in Minecraft provides...
Build a basic house. You can build a basic house that resembles your real-life home or any cliché looking house. Using stairs to make a roof and avoiding pure box shapes can help a lot in making even a basic house look nice. 2 Build a castle. Using cobblestone or regular stone, ma...
This Minecraft seed is a paradise for players who love cherry blossoms. As you spawn in, you will find yourself surrounded bycherry blossom treesin every direction you look. This makes it ideal for those who want to collect pink-colored wood, build a pink-themed house, or add a splash of...
minecraft:ompenthouse(Ocean Monument Penthouse,海底神殿中的顶层房间) minecraft:omsimple(Ocean Monument Simple Room,海底神殿中的十字形房间、细支柱房间和暗海晶石小房间) minecraft:omsimplet(Ocean Monument Simple Top Room,海底神殿中的海绵房) minecraft:omwr(Ocean Monument Wing Room,海底神殿中的侧翼) ...
If you want to build the perfect Minecraft castle to suit your aesthetic, you’ve come to the right place. You already know how tocraft a basic houseto keep away unfriendly mobs during the night. Now that you’re a master at creating such houses, why not try building some awesome Minecr...
If you keep moving on this cliff, you will reach a multi-leveled savannah village that seems to have glitched itself on the side of a mountain. Whether you want an open area for acustom Minecraft serveror a rare spot for yourMinecraft house, this seed is made for you. ...
Lighthouses are another cool build idea that can be used to complement an existing village by the water or act as a sort of beacon for lost travelers. They look especially gorgeous when placed on a beach or small island surrounded by water, allowing players to see its glow from long dista...
Birdhouse Crafting Beach Furniture Sun-Lounger You can sit on it by right-clicking, just like you would do to mount a horse! Sunlounger Crafting Beach Umbrella Beach Umbrella Crafting Beach Towel Beach Towel Crafting You can sit on it by right-clicking, just like you would do to mount a ...