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Enjoy most realistic experience with complete RTX packs for Minecraft Bedrock, Java and MCPE. Available in multiple resolutions.
Java版和基岩版都支持添加资源包(Resource Pack),位置都是在游戏设置里。资源包可以修改游戏内的材质、模型、音效和UI等。 基岩版的资源包隶属于附加包(Add-on),并且部分承担起了光影包的作用。由于更换了“渲染龙引擎”,基岩版资源包目前只能制作光线追踪光影。 P.S.目前只有装载有英伟达RTX系列显卡的电脑能够开启...
JG RTX Free, open-source HD PBR Minecraft resource pack for Bedrock and Java DONATE TO UNICEF! Download Latest release: .mcpack is included as release asset Workflow build: .mcpack included as workflow artifact. (Requires GitHub account.) ...
Minecraft RTX is available for FREE to existing Minecraft Java Edition owners who meet the hardware requirements for ray tracing. However, players should note that the necessary hardware, such as an NVIDIA RTX graphics card, comes at an additional cost.System Requirements Windows 10/11 64-bit An...
Vanilla RTX Resource Pack for Minecraft with RTX. ⚠️Windows 10/11 - Bedrock Edition +1.21.60 Only⚠️ Description This project aims to bring complete ray tracing support for Minecraft's default resources in a manner that seamlessly integerates with the game while maintaining a native loo...
The new Brewing Guide UI texture pack allows players to see a potion recipe and its leveled table, as well as additional information about a specific type of potion... 80 1 2 3 4 5 RealSource RTX Texture Pack Once again, we come to you with an add-on that is recommended for those...
修复了 RTX 中的月亮在水下发出的光照来源自月亮缩略图的对角的问题(MCPE-118898)TECHNICAL UPDATES技术性更新Updated Add-On Template Packs更新的附加包模板包 Updated Add-On templates for 1.20 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks 为1.20 更新了...
Resource Packs maker - Minecraft texture pack maker - Editor Pixel Art, a perfect three-in-one toolkit for Minecraft! Especially added Actions and Stuff resourc…