tweakeroo right click linker fixes Anti-cheat for Vulcan BadPacket (Type 1) BadPacket (Type 2) Movement Disabler (for Vulcan 2.7.5) Flag Detector Helps you verify if you have been flagged by an anti-cheat based on a pullback. Adjustable Options ...
Right-click on the item automatically crafts it, and pressing ⇧ Shift crafts all items based on how many materials the player have in the inventory. The button in the top right corner of the recipe book toggles between "All" and "Craftable"; the latter displays only recipes for which ...
Added Q and E as left and right click equivalents in JSON UI menus (including inventory menus) when playing in Full Keyboard Gameplay mode. 在以全键盘游戏操作模式游玩时,已将Q和E键分别添加为JSON用户界面菜单(包括库存菜单)中的左键和右键点击的等效操作。 Gameplay 游戏玩法类 1.Now Ominous bottle ...
Block of Redstone: Powers redstone machines and can be broken down into redstone dust Clock: Reveals if it’s day or night in the Overworld Compass:Points towards the world spawn point DetectorRail: Detects the presence ofminecarts Dispenser: Throws and uses different items Dropper: Used to d...
Powered Rails are powered by Redstone currents. Whether this comes from a Redstone Torch, a Lever, a Button, another circuit, or a Detector Rail does not matter. Rails Stick + Iron Ingots Rails are minecart tracks where minecart vehicles can travel along....
查找方法:先在.minecraft\assets\index\1.18.json中查找minecraft/lang/zh_cn.json,然后根据hash在.minecraft\assets\objects里面找对应的文件。 比如这里是9fabbc798786c7b7364902b31bdb37c2c037e9b8,那么它就在9f文件夹中。找到后用文本编辑器打开,里面都是unicode编码,直接copy到浏览器F12控制台就能看到,这里转换了...
Spawn Detector bydigitalshadowhawk This is a liteloader mod for minecraft 1.9, 1.9.4 and 1.10.x based on a feature in Not Enough Items. It is designed to show a yellow "X" over blocks where the light level will allow mobs to spawn during the day (ie. above ground in the overworld) ...
When you discover Dartrimine you'll be able to craft the Outer World Detector. With it, go underground and right-click with it, it will search in a 20x20x20 area around you for crash sites of the ancient alien civilization. If it finds, it will show a beeping message. After you fin...
MaterialDetector Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4is sophisticated technique to search materials in the game. Some suggest that it is a cruel way to search items but in other opinion it is time saving technique. Basically through this modification you can easily detect the materials which are available on...