23.05 12:26:13 [Server] WARN Use FMLCommonHandler.exitJava instead23.05 12:26:13 [Server] WARN Offendor: org/spigotmc/RestartCommand.restart()V23.05 12:26:13 [Server] WARN MOD HAS DIRECT REFERENCE System.exit() THIS IS NOT ALLOWED REROUTING TO FML!23.05 12:26:13 [Server] WARN ===23...
Set it to true, save the server.properties file by clicking the green Save button in the top-right corner, and restart your server to permit all cheat-related commands.Most popular Minecraft server commandsThere are countless Minecraft server commands, but some are essential for day-to-day ...
[12:02:16 INFO]: /recipe: A Mojang provided command.[12:02:16 INFO]: /reload: Reloads the server configuration and plugins[12:02:16 INFO]: /replaceitem: A Mojang provided command.[12:02:16 INFO]: /restart: Restarts the server[12:02:16 INFO]: /save-all: A Mojang provided command...
方法/步骤 1 下载之后,你会看见一个咖啡的图标 2 新建一个文件夹,把这个“咖啡文件”放进去。放置后,进入文件夹,点击这个文件。3 你会发现这个文件夹里多了3个文件。分别是:log(日志文件夹)、eula.txt、server.properties(Java配置文件)4 首先,我们要打开eula.txt,找到最后一行,找到eula=false,把fal...
in-game command bar if you are already OP, and issue the command "ban username" or "pardon username". You also have a bans.txt and a ban-ip.txt in your server FTP. To ban a user in this way then add the username or ip address per line of the file. Save and restart to ...
Vanilla 对于 Java 版来说,绝大多数服务端的始祖便是 Mojang 提供的官方服务端了,按照习惯,我们把官服叫做 Vanilla(香草,代指纯净[纯净服务端有歧义]) 其实他本身的名字应该是 Minecraft_Server(但是大多数情况下我们不会用这个名字) Vanilla 有以下的属性 ...
I'm still on {0} # 客户端版过新 restart: Server is restarting # 重启服务器的消息stats: disable-saving: false forced-stats: {}commands: spam-exclusions: - /skill tab-complete: 0 send-namespaced: true replace-commands: - setblock - summon - testforblock - tellraw log: true...
Step 5: Restart the Server (If Necessary) In most cases, you don’t need to restart the server to activate the data pack. However, if the data pack modifies critical world generation settings or other major functions, restarting the server might be necessary. ...
Restart the server. This will load a new world.Method 2 – Delete the existing world A slower, more technical route allows you to deliberately delete any world files you no longer want in your server files. With this method, you would go into the server files and then delete any worlds ...
[18:37:44 INFO]: /restart: Restarts the server [18:37:44 INFO]: /save-all: A Mojang provided command. [18:37:44 INFO]: /save-off: A Mojang provided command. [18:37:44 INFO]: /save-on: A Mojang provided command. [18:37:44 INFO]: /say: A Mojang provided command. [18:37...