关于相机注意:只能通过/give命令给予minecraft:tile.camera物品获取。 游戏规则 加入了spawnradius规则。 内容:允许指定玩家的生成半径。 在世界设置中加入了新的“Respawn Radius”选项。 加入了sendcommandblockfeedback、maxcommandchainlength和commandblockoutput规则。 以上命令与命令延迟选择相关。 加入了一些和附加包、地...
Immediate respawn: Check this box to enable skipping the death screen for players in your world. If this is not checked, players will see the death screen when they are killed and can click a button to respawn when they choose. Respawn radius: Enter a distance (in blocks) to determine ho...
Immediate respawn: Check this box to enable skipping the death screen for players in your world. If this is not checked, players will see the death screen when they are killed and can click a button to respawn when they choose. Respawn radius: Enter a distance (in blocks) to determine ho...
for (int i = 1; i < verticalRadius.get(); i++) { if (BlockUtils.place(bp.add(0, -i, 0), item, rotate.get(), 50, renderSwing.get(), true)) { renderBlocks.add(renderBlockPool.get().set(bp.add(0, -i, 0))); } } } if(horizontalRadius.get() > 1) { for (int v ...
到达设定的次数后凋灵风暴将会开始以目标静止时的速度飞行", 检测到争议译名:速度 projects/1.20/assets/crackers-wither-storm-mod/witherstormmod/lang/zh_cn.json-0: "gui.witherstormmod.config.targetStationaryChunkRadius.description": "如果玩家处在此值决定的区块半径内,则凋灵风暴会以更快的速度飞向玩家\n...
Will use navigation to follow the selected entity to within a one block radius. If a move or navigation is already playing, this will override the last move/navigation. Parameters entity:@minecraft/server.Entity speed?:number=1 ReturnsNavigationResult ...
- Decreased the range in which neutral mobs are rendered hostile towards bearers of Ring of the Seven Curses from 32 blocks radius to 24; - Implemented two new enchantments for crossbows, Sharpshooter and Ceaseless (merged from Armorless & More); - Implemented Scroll of a Thousand Curses, Emb...
- Decreased the range in which neutral mobs are rendered hostile towards bearers of Ring of the Seven Curses from 32 blocks radius to 24; - Implemented two new enchantments for crossbows, Sharpshooter and Ceaseless (merged from Armorless & More); - Implemented Scroll of a Thousand Curses, Emb...
↑Hedberg, Mikael (27 July 2022)."Minecraft Java Edition 1.19.1".Minecraft. Mojang Studios. ↑Orland, Kyle (24 June 2022)."Microsoft will start banning players from all private Minecraft servers".Ars Technica. ↑Bellingham, Hope (23 June 2022)."The new Minecraft update can totally ban you...