资源包(Resource pack)系统为材质包系统的代替物,允许玩家更深度地自定义自己的Minecraft体验。资源包允许玩家自定义音乐、音效、语言文件、离开末路之地的显示文本和字体,而不用修改任何代码 资源包可以放置在 .minecraft 里面的 resourcepacks 文件夹。每个资源包都由
Download a selection of the best texture packs for Minecraft. Easily sort the different packs by resolution, popularity or category.
Browse a collection of the best Minecraft Resource Packs created by talented artists from all over the world, enhance your game with better realistic texture packs!
Themed resource packs are designed around a specific topic or style. All of the game’s features are redefined to match the style of the new theme.
Resource Packs maker - Minecraft texture pack maker - Editor Pixel Art, a perfect three-in-one toolkit for Minecraft! Especially added Actions and Stuff resourc…
28、Resources Packs for Minecraft(我的世界资源包):https://resourcepack.net 29、The Skindex(皮肤资源):https://www.minecraftskins.com 30、MinecraftSkins.net(皮肤资源):https://minecraftskins.net 31、SkinMC(皮肤资源):https://skinmc.net
Fresh Animations Extensions are extra resource packs with additional features for Fresh Animations. Load these packs above Fresh Animations to work correctly. These packs are mostly suited for the vanilla look and aren't friendly to other resource packs. ...
improve your texture quality of Minecraft by just one click away. The latest and the most beautiful texture pack list are given below so that you can easily check out the one you like to play.. There are hundreds of Resource packs for Minecraft but we are providing you some selective ones...
Minecraft resource pack converter What is this? Well, if you couldn't tell by the name then its a Minecraft resource pack converter! What does it do? Well it converts Minecraft resource packs between Bedrock and Java, using the powers of magic it is actually able to convert Bedrock to Jav...
Download Minecraft texture packs and resource packs. All textures are sorted by category, resolution, and version.