资源包(Resource pack)系统为材质包系统的代替物,允许玩家更深度地自定义自己的Minecraft体验。资源包允许玩家自定义音乐、音效、语言文件、离开末路之地的显示文本和字体,而不用修改任何代码 行为 资源包可以放置在.minecraft里面的resourcepacks文件夹。每个资源包都由一个子文件夹或一个.zip文件,这个文件里面有resource...
resourcepacks 文件夹: 资源包存放地,会自动生成,文件格式是 zip。 crash-reports 文件夹: 崩溃报告存放地,只有游戏因崩溃而退出时才会生成。 shaderpacks 文件夹: 需要安装OptiFine并启动游戏才会生成,可存放光影包,文件格式是 zip。 options.txt 文件: 记录你在游戏内进行的设置。
安装nginx,在nginx的配置文件中添加server的配置信息。 打开服务器文件夹中的"server.properties"文件,在文件中找到"resource-pack",填入资源包网络URL(http://服务器公网地址:nginx监听端口/资源包文件名(包含文件后缀)(ps:后重启服务器即可。 解决结果: 服务器资源包...
MCPE Resource Packs: Spawn Spheres, Chunk Borders, Distance Measure, Coordinates and more! | Downloads from FoxyNoTail
Vanilla-PBR-1-3-2.zip Release R 1.19.3 Mar 6, 2023 To get the full effect, Optifine or Iris and a shaderpack that supports PBR is required. The screenshots and the video were recorded using the amazingBSL shadersbycapttatsu.
Download R3D.Craft Resource Pack: Shader Support for Minecraft 1.12 Ver 0.3.1: For 512×512 –Shader-Support-Realism-512×512.zip For 256×256 –Shader Support Realism_256x256.zip For 128×128 –Shader Support Realism_128x128.zip For 64×64 –Shader Support Realism_ 64×64.zip ...
Linux: ~/.minecraft/resourcepacks Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/resourcepacks 4.Place the texture pack in the folder leaving the file as a .zip. 5.The texture pack will now show up in Minecraft. Highlight over the pack in the available packs section and click the righ...
It's GUI ONLY Resource pack so you can freely use it with other resource packs. Just place it on top of resource pack you use.This is a GUI packed themed towards the show "Tokyo Ghoul" . Don't hesitate to comment down below , I have even changed hot bar as well hope you enjoy....