select the "Button Mode" toggle in the Advanced Settings NPC screen in the Jurassic World pack ...
现在当实体被骑时,"spawn_entity"组件会执行了 Fixed the Ender Dragon not appearing correctly in some Add-On packs 修复了末影龙在一些 Add-on 资源包中不正确生成的问题 Errors are once again listed on the pack manifest validation screen (资源包中存在的)错误再次会在资源包清单验证界面中显示了 如果你...
Items can now have the "transparentattachable" tag applied to make attachable items not render for the player wearing them in the first person perspective 物品能应用 "transparentattachable" 标签,来使戴着它们的玩家在第一人称视角不渲染可附加物品。 Fixed an issue where V2 Villagers were not properly...
Changelog Additional Files Related Projects [Changes] Fixed models not appearing that require wool changed CIT Pack image CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starc...
EDU: Fixed Material Reducer recipes not working with some flattened blocks such as Andesite or Terracotta 我的世界教育版功能:修复了材料分解器配方对一些扁平化后的方块不工作的错误(安山岩或陶瓦) Mobs 生物类 Fixed custom entity's name not appearing correctly in death messages (MCPE-158447) ...
1.814w10a minecraft:log2 blocks with numerical metadata variants 2-3, 6-7, 10-11 and 14-15, which are inaccessible through normal gameplay, now have no model rather than appearing identical to either acacia or dark oak wood. 14w25a Logs are now defined via block states rather than by num...
The sounds originate from the sound resource pack created by Element Animation, titled The Element Animation Villager Sound Resource Pack (T.E.A.V.S.R.P.), which is based on the villagers appearing in their fan videos. The villagers were voiced by Dan Lloyd, Director of Element Animation....
Fixed fog in Nether biomes not rendering properly in some Resource Packs (MCPE-111680) 修复了某些资源包中下界生物群系的雾不能正常加载的问题 Players with Visitor permissions now drop inventory on death (MCPE-47563) 现在权限为“访客”的玩家死亡时会正常掉落物品栏中的物品 ...
Resource pack check is always skipped Always behaves like in multiplayer Uses survival mode in the lobby like singleplayer Doesn't include multiplayer advanced settings Bugfixes Fixed a bug in how random numbers in the seeded generator where created Fixed strict mode sign sometimes appearing in singl...
All these creatures have a very low probability of appearing in your world so that the fights against them are not very repetitive, their probability of finding one is 1 in 100 but it is not impossible, it is just a good search!