This Minecraft tutorial explains how to drop an item with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, when you want to give an item to another player or remove an item from your inventory, you can drop or throw this item.
drop_item_slot -- String The slot to remove and drop the item from, if any, upon successful interaction. Inventory slots are denoted by positive numbers; Armor slots are denoted by slot.armor.head, slot.armor.chest, slot.armor.legs, slot.armor.feet, and slot.armor...
InventoryCrafting#decrStackSize(II)■■■CraftingContainer#removeItem(II) InventoryCrafting#removeStackFromSlot(I)■■■CraftingContainer#removeItemNoUpdate(I) Slot#public void putStack(ItemStack p_40240_)■■■Slot#public void set(ItemStack p_40240_) net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory■■■net.minecra...
Fixed bugs where client state can get out of sync with server if using an item is cancelled or...
import{ world, EntityInventoryComponent, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";functiongetFirstHotbarItem(log: (message:string, status?:number) =>void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation){for(constplayer of world.getAllPlayers()) {constinventory = player.getComponent(EntityInventoryComponent.component...
The item must have a format version of at least 1.19.80 现在在 1.19.80 及以上版本的 JSON 格式中拥有 minecraft:entity_placer 物品组件的物品可以在刷怪笼上使用以改变其活动对象的生成类型 Removed the non-functional 'on_repaired' parameter from the 'minecraft:repairable' item component 移除了 ...
Fixed a crash that could occur if a non-owner player takes an item from the Allay while it was chasing its owner 修复了悦灵追逐主人时其他玩家得到悦灵的物品导致的游戏崩溃 The Allay now regenerates two health each second 悦灵现在每秒恢复两格血量 ...
at cofh.thermalexpansion.block.ender.TileTesseract.removeFromRegistry( at cofh.thermalexpansion.block.ender.BlockEnder.func_149689_a( at net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock.placeBlockAt( at net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock.func_77648_a(ItemBlock.ja...
int aId = getItemId(a); int bId = getItemId(b); if (Configs.Generic.SORT_INVENTORY_SHULKER_BOX_LAST.getOptionListValue() == Configs.Generic.SortInventoryShulkerBoxLastType.TRUE || (Configs.Generic.SORT_INVENTORY_SHULKER_BOX_LAST.getOptionListValue() == Configs.Generic.SortInventoryShulker...
unsubscribe(callback: (arg: EntityRemoveAfterEvent) => void): void Unsubscribes your function from subsequent calls when an entity is removed. Parameters callback: (arg:EntityRemoveAfterEvent) =>void Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. ...