Fog Command The /fog Command can further manage which Fog Definitions are applied to the Active Fog Stack for each player. Fog settings within this layer of the stack are ordered via push, pop, & remove modes the /fog Command. push: applies a fog definition, along with a user-provided ...
12、将区域移动到x块下方/criticalhit enable|disable关闭打开致命一击/clouds enable|disable是否显示云Sprinting enable|disable总是全力以赴Climb没有梯子也能爬任何墙Spawner TYPE改变玩家所在地区馆长的怪物种类effect list | remove type | add typedurationstrength设置药水效果Fog tiny|small|normal|far变更视野距离en...
clouds[enable|disable]-Allowsyoutoturncloudson/offviacommand cyclepainting-Cyclesthroughthepaintingwhichyouarepointingat damage-Turnsplayerdamageon/off defuse[all]-DefusesanyTNTnearbywhichhasbeenhit,drops1tntinitsplace descend-Movesyoutothenextplatformbelowyourposition destroy[all]-Destroysthecurrentitem diffi...
在Area Effect clouds 中的粒子选项 Particles 现在使用和世界生成文件一样的表达方式 (就像现有生物群落的环境粒子设置一样) For example, command /particle minecraft:dust 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 ... becomes /particle minecraft:dust{color:[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], scale:2.0} ... ...
There are a lot of ways to fix low FPS without having to upgrade your hardware. In Minecraft, you can go to the video settings and reduce all of the functions. For example, you can turn clouds off so that your computer doesn’t have to try and render them. It’s also a good idea...
About Mutation Clouds: Mutation Clouds seek out the nearest mob to them and then move towards the mob (Mutation Clouds spawned by Compound Z move faster), once the Mutation Cloud has reached the mob, a cloud of energy will start to engulf the mob, spinning faster and faster until the mob...
advMode.setCommand advMode.setCommand.success advancement.advancementNotFound advancements.adventure.adventuring_time.description advancements.adventure.adventuring_time.title advancements.adventure.arbalistic.description advancements.adventure.arbalistic.title advancements.adventure.bullseye.description advancement...
=== Renewed-1.5 === (17th July, 2020) * Now requires Minecraft Forge 31.2.31+ >>> Ported: + Added the Middle-earth clouds renderer + Added the mod configuration file + Added brewing barrels, renamed to 'kegs' + Added wooden and ceramic mugs, and golden goblets + Added water, milk...
在Area Effect clouds 中的粒子选项 Particles 现在使用和世界生成文件一样的表达方式 (就像现有生物群落的环境粒子设置一样) For example, command /particle minecraft:dust 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 ... becomes /particle minecraft:dust{color:[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], scale:2.0} ... ...