--- Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Failed to start game This erro 分享64 minecraft吧 璃陌18 求助,PCL2显示启动错误,这里是错误报告一直显示启动错误,但是不知道为什么。 分享74 minecraft吧 墜落的一米六 求助求助 登陆不上显示错误代码溺尸有好兄弟知道怎么回事的嘛是正版...
fix feat: use slf4j instead feat: code parity13.3.0fix: wrong implementation of the target picking logic (close #361, close #375) feat: HarvestToolProvider handling adventure mode feat: split debug package. add special registry id provider fix: raytrace range does not respect the radius of ...
[pool-2-thread-2/INFO] Ex 分享回复赞 minecraft吧 lklk894 1.16.5Hmlc局域网联机报错,Fail to synchronize registry data from server, cosing connection 翻译:无法从服务器同步注册表数据,正在断开连接 这个要怎么解决呀,网上好像没有下药啊(传统拍屏艺能) 43923 我的世界吧 QQCCJR2LV 求助1.20.1fabric加载...