红石电路(Redstone circuits)为玩家建造起来可以用于控制或激活其他机械的结构。 电路本身既可以被设计为用于响应玩家的手动激活,也可以让其自动工作——或是反复输出信号,或是响应非玩家引发的变化,例如生物移动、物品掉落、植物生长、日夜更替等等。Minecraft中能够被红石控制的机械类别几乎覆盖了你能够想象到的极限,小到...
I want to make a clock with a precision of one second. So,there are two ways to do this. A redstone clock (one second) and a command block running /scoreboard players add @e[name=Time] Time 1. 3 command blocks and two scoreboards. /scoreboard players add @e[name=Time] Tick ...
trim_material_quartz = 石英材料 trim_material_redstone = 红石材料 trim_pattern_coast = 海岸纹饰盔甲 trim_pattern_dune = 沙丘纹饰盔甲 trim_pattern_eye = 眼眸纹饰盔甲 trim_pattern_host = 主导盔甲纹饰 trim_pattern_raiser = 崛起盔甲纹饰 trim_pattern_rib = 肋骨纹饰盔甲 trim_pattern_sentry = 哨兵...
Ans:Yes, Redstone can be used to automate farming and mining in Minecraft. For example, a Redstone-powered automatic farm can be built to harvest crops automatically, and a Redstone clock can be used to activate pistons for automated mining....
Are you familiar with the feeling when someone connects bells to a redstone clock? If you'd prefer not to... By Ramses5152 Published on 16 Mar, 2025 4.3 Best saplings [ES] Es una mejora a las texturas a los saplings [EN] It is an improvement to the textures of the saplings...
minecraft:red_flower 罂粟 minecraft:brown_mushroom 棕色蘑菇 minecraft:red_mushroom 红色蘑菇 minecraft:gold_block 金块 minecraft:iron_block 铁块 minecraft:double_stone_slab 双石台阶 minecraft:stone_slab 石台阶 minecraft:brick_block 砖块 minecraft:tnt TNT ...
block of redstone clock compass detector rail dispenser dropper note block observer piston powered rail redstone lamp redstone repeater redstone torch target use: building we’re certain you’ve come across as insanely useful – or even just downright cool! – minecraft machines that seem almost ...
指南针 Compass 铁锭和红石 Iron Ingots & Redstone 指向出生点. 钟 Clock 金锭和红石 Gold Ingots & Redstone 显示时间和白天黑夜. 铁桶 Bucket 铁锭 Iron Ingots 用来装水,岩浆,牛奶. 剪刀 Shears 铁锭 Iron Ingots 用来剪羊毛和树叶. 防具合成名称 材料 合成示意图 描述 头盔 Helmet 皮革或铁锭或金锭或钻石...
Dispenser) can now be interacted with consistently when powered by a fast Redstone clock现在由红石...
Red Mushroom(minecraft:red_mushroom) 41 Gold Block(minecraft:gold_block) 42 Iron Block(minecraft:iron_block) 43 Double Stone Slab(minecraft:double_stone_slab) 43:1 Double Sandstone Slab(minecraft:double_stone_slab) 43:2 Double Wooden Slab(minecraft:double_stone_slab) 43:3 Double Cobblestone Sla...