2After removing the lava source block, it takes several minutes for the lava to completely disappear.移除熔岩源方塊後,熔岩需要好幾分鐘的時間才能完全消失。 3If zombies and skeletons stay in the water, they can survive in the light of the day.如果僵屍和骷髏呆在水裏,它們就可以在白天的光中存活...
借助Realms和Realms Plus,您可以随时随地与最多 10 位好友在 Realms(我们为您托管的私人服务器)上跨平台畅玩 使用Realms Plus,您可以即时访问超过 150 种Marketplace商品,并且每月都会新增商品。在您自己的私人Realms服务器上与朋友分享 与世界各地的玩家连接并一起游戏,无论他们身在何处,并加入MMO战斗,在其他世界生...
Players are once again able to join servers when the server has view-distance set to 4 or less...
闪烁标语(Splash)是主菜单上的黄色单行文本。其内容由下表中随机选取,并且通常引自流行文化(如网站、精悍引述和电子游戏等)。 在Java版中,这些标语以纯文本文件的形式在minecraft.jar(assets/minecraft/texts/splashes.txt)文件中定义,可在此或资源包中对应位置修改闪烁标语的内容。 在基岩版中,这些标语以json文件的...
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:# http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.#AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed 送TA礼物 ...
Replaced Realms subtle selected world highlight with a clear green checkmark 把 Realm 世界选择界面...
at java.base@17.0.7/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1622)at java.base@17.0.7/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:165)[10:40:04] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixing client.MixinRealmsConnect from nochatreports.mixins.json into net....
MinecraftRealms Information about paid Mojang Studios-hosted servers, known as Realms. MinecraftRealms Plus Information about paid Mojang Studios-hosted servers in Bedrock Edition, known as Realms Plus. Mojang Bug Tracker (Mojira) Submit and track bug reports and fixes toMinecraft. ...
Try a free 30-day trial in-app and learn more at minecraft.net/realms/bedrock. Also, you can also play Minecraft Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Java Edition with Xbox Game Pass- check it out at xbox.com/xbox-game-pass/pc-games. To buy Minecraft Java Edition to own, visit Minecraft.net...
Fantasy Violence Users Interact, In-Game Purchases Cloud enabled game while in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.Learn more +Offers in-app purchases. Game requires online multiplayer subscription to play on console (Game Pass Core or Ultimate, sold separately). ...