This is the most mind-bending, game-breaking Minecraft mod I have come across. Minecraft is known for its block-based gameplay, and this mod smoothens it all out. Yeah, no more blocks. As a player, you refuse to believe the game you are playing is Minecraft once you install this mod...
This is my first time using custom models/blocks so if anything wrong with the block's look (besides shadows) please let me know. This add-on suppose to compliment myRocks+addon so please play together. This add-on should add more life/flora to your worlds by using plants or by adding...
mod new realistic 3D models - Create mod 60% new HD textures -Realistic blood mod new 3D and HD realistic textures -Catacalysm new textures. -though as nails new models -castleblock new textures -more comes! Virtual Reality: With virtual reality or without, all can play Singleplayer and M...
Block Breaking When a player breaks a block, small fragments appear and then disappear. Block Explosions When blocks explode, blocks appear and are physically propelled. Physical Explosion Settings Wach video for more : Notes Ensure you are using a compatible version of Minecraft. ...
Punching blocks while holding an item decreases 50% of damage dealt by that block. There's sometimes a minion hiding below the sand, which be noticed by some sand particles, breaking the sand block and the minion will show up to give you some items. Holding an umbrella and you won't ge...
Physics Mod (1.20.5 - 1.19.4) is a gentle creation that brings the realistic animation in the Minecraft. The current version is 1.20.5.
In addition to that, it includes new animations for things like player movement, block placement, and tool usage. However, this mod is designed to make the game feel more immersive and realistic by adding more visual cues to the player’s actions. Below we are adding a few examples of ...
- Ender lucky block addon - Fire luckyblock addon - Realistic lucky block - Lucky block race - One block classic - Rainbow lucky race - Survival Lucky block Make the coolest Minecraft PE lucky block mod and share your favorite mods for Minecraft with us in channels: ...
ll still be able to collect the standard block drops as normal but this mod makes for a fun spin on the whole foundation of the game. It offers a more immersive experience by creating some realistic animations but also having the ability to really stretch reality with some extreme options ...
The Bedrock Physic mod enhances the block breaking physics in Minecraft. Now their destruction will appear even more beautiful and realistic: blocks will disintegrate into numerous small cubes. Not quite like in real life, but it's still a pretty cool gr