a. 注意:如果 MCC 无法自动定位 Java 版世界文件夹,它将首先显示如下界面。使用右上角“Minecraft Java world folder”(Minecraft Java 版世界文件夹)旁边的文件夹图标,定位到文件夹位置(例如,C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\WorldName\),然后按后续提示操作,直到您返回如下所示的转换界面 6....
通过我们将Java版世界转换为Windows 10基岩版世界的非官方指南,为使用RTX版《我的世界》做好准备,另外你还可以通过PBR纹理和光线追踪技术对其进行增强。
继续下方的MCC Tool Chest步骤将删除区块后的Java世界转换成基岩世界 MCC Tool Chest Conversion:最后一步 更新并准备好Java世界后,现在可以打开MCC Tool Chest(基岩版)开始转换成Windows 10版基岩世界了。请注意,转换开始后将没有办法转回去了,所以开始前确保你的所有Java世界和基岩世界文件都备份好了。 安装并打开M...
Ray-tracingis a feature exclusive to the Bedrock Edition. Is Minecraft Java and Bedrock better? AlthoughJava is the original version of Minecraftand is the version to play if you want to play the game as intended, Bedrock is more efficient and offers cross-platform play. If you play vanilla...
就可以进入Minecraft,本次Beta版(无法在自己的存档中使用,只能在商店里的地图中使用,在地图中默认光追默认关闭,启动光追先在设置里Advanced Video中启动DirectX Ray Tracing即可送TA礼物 1楼2020-04-17 13:36回复 哆啦a乐day 凋零 15 别让楼主寂寞太久 来自Android客户端2楼2020-04-17 14:37 ...
at net.minecraft.class_2487.method_10582(class_2487.java:172)at mcp.mobius.waila.addons.minecraft.HUDHandlerVanilla.getStack(HUDHandlerVanilla.java:47)at mcp.mobius.waila.overlay.RayTracing.handleStackProviders(RayTracing.java:155)at mcp.mobius.waila.overlay.RayTracing.getIdentifierItems(RayTracing....
Currently, no implementation of ray tracing exists for Java, so the clear choice was to work with DXR and Bedrock to bring the dream of Minecraft real-time ray tracing to life. Q: How will we enable ray tracing in Minecraft? A: There’ll be an in-game option. On your system, you’...
A simple Minecraft Java shader that attempts to maintain the vanilla aesthetic while adding optional shadows, colored lighting, and ray-tracing. 453.6k 655 Colored Lighting PBR Vanilla-like Compatibility Minecraft: Java Edition 1.20–1.20.4
- Ray tracing for Windows brings a different graphics experience to Minecraft! Experience creator-built worlds with realistic lighting, vibrant colors, naturally reflective water and emissive textures that light up. REALMS PLUS: Play with up to 10 friends cross-platform in worlds that exist anytime...
光线追踪(Ray Tracing):这其实是个框架,而不是个方法。符合这个框架的都叫raytracing。这个框架就是从视点发射ray,与物体相交就根据规则反射、折射或吸收。遇到光源或者走太远就停住。一般来说运算量不小。路径追踪(Path Tracing):是raytracing + 蒙特卡洛法,是光线追踪的一种实现方法。在相交后会选一个随机方向...