"/gamerule naturalRegeneration false":阻止自然回血(饱食度足够时无法回血,但不影响药水效果的回血,与极限模式配合使用,就能得到UHC玩法); "/gamerule randomTickSpeed X":将随机刻数设置为X(默认为3,随机刻控制植物的生长,设置地越大,植物生长越快,但过大的值会导致游戏运行缓慢); "/gamerule maxEntityCrammin...
randomTickSpeed [value]Controls how often a random tick occurs; random ticks influence how fast plants and crops grow, how fast pigmen spawn from portals, how fast farmland updates, how fast grass and mycelium grow and decay, etc...If set to 0, random ticks never occurreducedDebugInfo...
-Alive Ticks 生物生成后必须等待的最小Tick数过后才能攻击 -Hit Chance 目标命中率 Pot 自动使用药水 -Speed 切换物品时的速度 -Random 添加随机延迟值到切换物品延迟上 SmoothAim 平滑瞄准 -Teammates 瞄准队友 -Safe 重生/重进游戏后自动关闭 -对象 -Teammates 队友 -Invisible 隐形生物 -Sleeping 睡觉中的生物 ...
Random tick speed: Enter a time (in ticks) for the world to choose random blocks for event updates. This controls world events like how fast crops and tress grow. Each tick in Minecraft is 50 milliseconds (or 0.05 seconds). Minecraft File Extensions ...
A coral block still dies if the game rule randomTickSpeed is set to 0.[1] Note BlocksAll types of coral blocks and dead coral block can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass drum" sounds. SoundsNormal (Alive)Java Edition: SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation key...
Continue to type and enter /gamerule randomTickSpeed [value] in-chat. Keep doing this until you’re happy with the results.Tick Speed Uses Throughout this tutorial, we’ve mentioned that tick speed can help players grow crops faster, make mobs appear faster, among other aspects of Minecraft...
Damage is shuffled like 2hp will be always 5hp (or random) ⚙️Settings Full Random- Enabled: Each action is random, Disabled: Same damage = same shuffled damage 🏷️Tags Medium- Slightly more difficult than normal Minecraft but still very doable ...
"speed_multiplier": 0.5, "entity_types": [ { "filters": { "test" : "is_family", "subject" : "other", "value" : "villager"} } ] }, "minecraft:behavior.move_towards_dwelling_restriction": { "priority": 11, "speed_multiplier": 0.6 }, "minecraft:behavior.random_stroll...
In Bedrock Edition, the villager and zombie villager inside igloo basements have random professions instead of always being clerics. The cleric villager can also turn into a leatherworker villager since the cauldron in the basement is closer to the villager. Curing...