我尝试使用random从一个包含随机名称的元组中生成一个随机用户名,其中包含随机数量的名称。我尝试了一些代码,但没有成功。这是我尝试过的代码,但当我打印它时,它给了我这样的结果:<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f8728c52580> randnames = ['ender', 'Pro'prokid', 'monkey', 'Gamer', 'G ...
{"type":"minecraft:condition","if_true":{"type":"minecraft:vertical_gradient","random_name":"minecraft:deepslate","true_at_and_below":{"absolute":54},"false_at_and_above":{"absolute":60}},"then_run":{"type":"minecraft:block","result_state":{"Name":"minecraft:dirt"}}} above_bo...
The Minecraft Ideas Generator generates random ideas for Minecraft. These can be ideas for tiny or large builds or technical designs to create in your Minecraft world. If you're looking for something to build but don't know what, this is the tool for you
0为生存模式,1为创造模式,2为冒险模式。 Generator:世界格式。0为旧世界,1为无限,2为超平坦。 lightningTime:下一次闪电出现前的剩余时间(刻)。 LimitedWorldOriginX:有限(旧)世界生成开始的X坐标。 LimitedWorldOriginY:有限(旧)世界生成开始的Y坐标。 LimitedWorldOriginZ:有限(旧)世界生成开始的Z坐标。 maxcom...
runJob(generator: Generator<void, void, void>): number Queues a generator to run until completion. The generator will be given a time slice each tick, and will be run until it yields or completes. Parameters generator: Generator<void,void,void> ...
Integer values can now specify random number generator (available types:constant,uniform,binomial). If omitted, defaults to uniform Loot tables have optionaltype, used to validate function usage (available types:empty,chest,fishing,entity,advancement_reward,block). Using function that references data no...
登入 Minecraft 教學課程 工具與架構 文章 參考文件 資源 入口網站 此內容未提供您的語言版本。 這是英文版。 版本 Minecraft Bedrock Experimental APIs EntityIsBabyComponent EntityIsChargedComponent EntityIsChestedComponent EntityIsDyeableComponent EntityIsHiddenWhenInvisibleComponent ...
re just starting out inMinecraft, creating a new world in the game is much easier than you may think. First, head to the World Generator, where you can consistently upload the same biomes and structures each time.Minecraft PEalso allows you to create worlds separate from the random ones ...
The seed is a phrase, word or number that fixes Minecraft's random number generator in a fixed pattern. You can set it in the Minecraft world creation options, or by default you are given a random one. If two maps are made with the same seed they will be identical.The wiki has more...
Random spawn bonus (隨機生成修飾)generic.follow_range所有生物Op1,0-0.11485三角形分布隨機數生物生成時隨機增加跟隨距離 generic.knockback_resistance殭屍、沉屍、屍殼、殭屍村民和殭屍化豬布林Op0,0-0.05均勻分布隨機數殭屍類生物生成額外增加抗擊退 Horse armor bonus ...