Random Things Mod 1.18.2/1.18/1.17.1 adds a wide variety of new objects and functionality to Minecraft 1.11 and 1.10.2. Most of these serve as utilities to make the game more
Random Things The Random Things mod adds a ton of new items that can aid in your everyday crafting and building. Many of the items are aesthetic but many are also pretty handy. You can combine bricks with various dyes to make colored bricks that fit with your designs. Now your choices a...
Bug Reporting Please report bugs on mygithub issue tracker Source Code You can look at the source code on mygithub, feel free to contribute.
这里斧子右键土方块的时候先判断背包有没有树苗,有的话就种植一棵树苗并将背包对应的树苗数量-1 第三步,在Items类里面注册我们的斧子 public static final RegistryObject<Item>OBSIDIAN_AXE=register("obsidian_axe",()->newObsidianAxe(3F,-3.6F,newItem.Properties().tab(ItemGroup.TAB_COMBAT).stacksTo(1)))...
第一步,在Items包里创建一个类,名称可自定义 与上文剑的第一步一样,这里就直接上示例图。 示例图 第二步,代码的编写 publicclassObsidianAxeextendsAxeItem{publicObsidianAxe(floatattack_damage,floatattack_speed,Propertiesproperties){super(ItemTier.NETHERITE,attack_damage,attack_speed,properties);}@Overridepub...
Mod full of additional weapons, armor, tools and a few misc Items.Obsidian and quartz gear have been added as well as some armor for pure cosmetic purposes such as wood,pumpkin and melon. Mostly just playing around and adding a few things for my server. Thought I would share. Enjoy :)...
0-9之间, // 其中RandomSource是Minecraft的一个随机数生成器。提供了很多随机数算法。 private int getRandomNumber(){ return RandomSource.createNewThreadLocalInstance().nextInt(10); }} 在需要在ModItem中使用ITEMS进行注册。 加入该物品。 publicstaticfinal RegistryObject<Item>EIGHT_BALL=ITEMS....
RandomItemDrop——随机物品掉落 简介 该插件可以让你手上的物品随机发放到世界各地。这是一个看上去很...
This mod will generate random treasures around the world Of Minecraft PE. Now there are more than 12 varieties for treasures, each of which has its own chance of generation. For treasures with precious items inside it have a chance of generating less than 15% and thi...