13w37a 加入了/setblock、/tellraw和/testforblock命令。 13w38a 加入了/setidletimeout命令。 13w43a 加入了/setworldspawn命令。 1.814w02a 加入了/blockdata命令。 加入了目标选择器@e。 /kill命令加入了player|entity参数。 /clear命令加入了data参数。 /testfor命令加入了dataTag参数。 /testfor命令可在命...
move things or touch anything, if you try your hand will go straight through whatever block you...
import { DimensionLocation } from "@minecraft/server"; function checkBlockTags(log: (message: string, status?: number) => void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation) { // Fetch the block const block = targetLocation.dimension.getBlock(targetLocation); // check that the block is loaded if (bloc...
Damage dealt per fallen block is increased by 1 per level of Density 致密魔咒每增加 1 级,下落...
BlockVolume Class Learn 登入 此內容未提供您的語言版本。 這是英文版。 關閉警示 版本 Minecraft Bedrock Stable APIs Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips...
() * (ARENA_X_SIZE -1)) - (ARENA_X_SIZE /2-1);constleafY =Math.floor(Math.random() *10);constleafZ =Math.floor(Math.random() * (ARENA_Z_SIZE -1)) - (ARENA_Z_SIZE /2-1); overworld .getBlock(Vector3Utils.add(ARENA_VECTOR_OFFSET, { x: leafX, y: leafY, z: leaf...
Some useless, random and hopefully humorous jokes. Luck Levels: === Lucky blocks can get different ‘luck levels’ if you put them in a crafting table with certain items. The ‘Luck’ of a lucky block is diplayed as a bar from 0 to 100 The...
ALLAY_DROP_ITEM_ON_BLOCK Triggered when an Allay drops an item on a block 当悦灵丢弃物品到一个方块上时触发。 Conditions: 条件: player - a predicate for the player who gave the Allay the item to collect player - 谓词,为给予悦灵需要收集的物品的玩家 ...
·block:如同一个方块引发了该爆炸。blockExplosionDropDecay游戏规则将影响方块被爆炸影响时的掉落概率。 ·mob:如同一个生物造成了爆炸。mobExplosionDropDecay游戏规则将影响爆炸时的掉落概率。 ·tnt:如同一个TNT造成了爆炸。tntExplosionDropDecay游戏规则将影响爆炸时的掉落概率。
将BlockLightDescription 的 JSON 名称有 “minecraft:block_light_absorption” 调整为 “Minecraft:block_light_filter” ,成员变量名由 “block_light_absorption” 调整为 “block_light_filter” Data-Driven Entities数据驱动实体 The random chance for a wild adult Ocelot to spawn with two children is now ...