版本:1.7.X - 1.12.X(不支持1.13及以上,会出现不可避免错误) 前置:ProtocolLib 声明 这个插件适合用在大厅(你说你要用到其他服务器也行,我这里就不说明如何在其他非大厅配置方法) 敬告:如果遇到不同服务端而插件冲突问题,请先自行检查。 如有不可避免问题再执行反馈 (本插件适用于大厅,其他服务器容易出现冲突...
If ProtocolLib has made your life significantly easier or you're feeling particularly generous, consider donating! It's a great way to support the many hours I've spent maintaining this plugin and keeps me motivated. Don't donate if you can't afford it. I would like to thank everyone ...
Dependencies To run this plugin, you will need: A Paper or Paper-based server These are required to display disguises on the server side: [1.x / 0.13.1x]: ProtocolLib [0.x] LibsDisguises and ProtocolLib bStatsNOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT SERVICE. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG...
ProtocolLib 5.2.0 or later Installation Download ProtocolLib Download Orebfuscator Place both plugins in your plugins directory Start your server and configure Orebfuscator to your liking Legacy support For compatibility with Java 11 or Minecraft 1.9.4 and later, you can use any legacy release prior...
Using ProtocolLib To use this library, first add ProtocolLib.jar to your Java build path. Then, add ProtocolLib as a dependency or soft dependency to your plugin.yml file like any other plugin: depend:[ ProtocolLib ] You can also add ProtocolLib as a Maven dependency: ...
2.[前置]ProtocolLib 一个前置插件 3.[前置]Vault 一个前置插件 [管理|开发|经济] 4.[地皮]PlotSquared-Bukkit-19.01.26-460583e-687(已经删除) 5.[多世界]Multiverse-Core (已经删除) 6.[快捷商店]QuickShop (前置插件: Vault) 7.[权限组管理]LuckPerms-Bukkit-4.3.87 ...
ProtocolLib | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft 很多插件的前置 AuthMeReloaded | SpigotMC - High...
menuPlugins: false features: i18nMessages: # 根据玩家的客户端设置发送 i18n 消息,此选项将覆盖 `settings.messagesLanguage` # (需要 ProtocolLib) # 这不会影响 AuthMe 帮助命令的语言。 enabled: false # 将特定的语言代码重定向到 AuthMe 的语言代码 # Minecraft 语言列表: https://minecraft.wiki/w/...
自行在plugin.yml里面添加 depend:[ProtocolLib] 先获取ProtocolManager ProtocolManager pm =ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager(); 注意:v1_8_3的核心及以上的版本和v1_8_3以下的核心版本发包是不同的所以需要区分一下 另外,游戏版本1.10以上的PacketPlayOutUpdateSign这个包没有了,所以无法在游戏1.10及以上使用 ...
Plugins:WorldEdit,Essentials,RemoteToolkitPlugin,GroupManager,WorldBorder,Lockette,ProtocolLib,AutoSaveWorld,NoSpawnChunks,EssentialsProtect,NoExplode,EssentialsChat,EssentialsAntiBuild,iConomy,PTweaks,MOTDColor,Vault,RichAutoMessage,VIP,EssentialsSpawn,NeverLag,QuickShop,Residence,ChestShop,AuthMe DisabledPlugins: Operating...