Potion of Decay 🌀 - 衰变药水 Potion of Fire Resistance 🔥 - 抗火药水 Potion of Harming ⚔️ - 伤害药水 Potion of Healing 💊 - 治疗药水 Potion of Invisibility 👻 - 隐身药水 Potion of Leaping 🦘 - 跳跃药水 Potion of Luck 🍀 - 幸运药水 Potion of Night Vision 🌙 - 夜视药...
Block of Copper 铜块 Block of Diamond 钻石块 Block of Emerald 绿宝石块 Block of Gold 金块 Block of Iron 铁块 Block of Lapis Lazuli 青金石块 Block of Netherite 下界合金块 Block of Quartz 石英块 Block of Raw Copper 粗铜块 Block of Raw Gold 粗金块 Block of Raw Iron 粗铁块 Block of Red...
PotionFortification药水护盾 Power力量 Prospector探图得钱 Protection保护 Punch冲击 Quick疾行 RadianceMelee治愈近程 RadianceRanged治愈远程 Rampaging狂怒 RapidFire快速射击 Recycler箭矢回收 Regeneration再生 Ricochet反射 Sharpness锋利 Shielding护盾 Shockwave震荡波 SlowImmunity免疫减速 SlowResistance阻止减速 Smiting亡灵杀手 ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (3:00/2:15) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can brew a Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (3:00/2:15) and add it to your inventory.
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Potion of Fire Resistance (3:00) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can brew a Potion of Fire Resistance (3:00) and add it to your inventory. When this potion it drank, it wil
Potion Module The potion module includes new potions, adds new recipes for previously unobtainable potions, and adds some other new content to support the usage of potions. Immediately, you'll see new potions and recipes for some vanilla effects that could not be obtained before. You'll also ...
Fire Resistance: Take less damage from fire Water Breathing: Breathe underwater Invisibility: Become invisible Night Vision: See in the dark Absorption: Adds absorption hearts Saturation: Reduce hunger Luck: Have a higher chance on better loot Slowness: Entities in the area move slower Mining Fatigu...
2.我们要让船在岩浆和水上行走,所以我们的EntityObBoat类要继承船实体类,同时让船对岩浆产生免疫: EntityObBoat.java packagecom.joy187.rejoymod.entity;importcom.joy187.rejoymod.item.ModItems;importnet.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid;importnet.minecraft.block.material.Material;importnet.minecraft.block.state....
喷溅药水 splash_potion 438 potion.prefix.grenadeitem.potion.namepotion.prefix.mundanepotion.prefix.mundane.longpotion.prefix.thickpotion.prefix.awkwardpotion.nightVision.postfixpotion.invisibility.postfixpotion.jump.postfixpotion.fireResistance.postfixpotion.moveSpeed.postfixpotion.moveSlowdown.postfixpotion.waterBr...