Potion(minecraft:potion) 374 Glass Bottle(minecraft:glass_bottle) 375 Spider Eye(minecraft:spider_eye) 376 Fermented Spider Eye(minecraft:fermented_spider_eye) 377 Blaze Powder(minecraft:blaze_powder) 378 Magma Cream(minecraft:magma_cream) 379 Brewing Stand(minecraft:brewing_stand) 380 Cauldron(minecr...
Potion of Weakness:As mentioned above, the Potion of Weakness is the one exception to the rule about brewing potions. Instead of using a Nether Wart on the Water Bottle, you'llfirst use a Fermented Spider Eye.This will make all the Water Bottles become Potions of Weakness. This recipe is...
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YK1XGT4TCSIFlqnrupuoBQ 提取码:MCYT 表格内容: 资源 煤矿石Coal Ore- (深层煤矿石Deepslate Coal Ore ) 紫水晶簇Amethyst Clusters 铁矿石Iron Ore- (深层铁矿石Deepslate Iron Ore ) 铜矿石Copper Ore- (深层铜矿石Deepslate Copper Ore ) 金矿石Gold Ore- (下界金矿...
58 crafting_table -1012 creaking_heart 726 creaking_spawn_egg 593 creeper_banner_pattern -968 creeper_head 446 creeper_spawn_egg -260 crimson_button 632 crimson_door -266 crimson_double_slab -256 crimson_fence -258 crimson_fence_gate -228 crimson_fungus -506 crimson_hanging_...
The Minecraft crafting guide, is a complete list of crafting recipes. The list includes everything from simple tools to complex mechanisms.
方块 Acacia Button 金合欢木按钮 Acacia Door 金合欢木门 Acacia Fence 金合欢木栅栏 Acacia Fence Gate 金合欢木栅栏门 Acacia Hanging Sign 悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Leaves 金合欢树叶 Acacia Log 金合欢原木 Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 ...
Decorated potsare one of the most unique decorative block in Minecraft. They have various crafting recipes depending on what you want them to display. For that you’ll need pottery sherds, items you get mostly through archaeology. In this guide, we’ll show you what pottery sherds exist and...
A list of all Minecraft Material IDs. Materials are items that are used in crafting recipes, and can usually be harvested.
Potion types With the Awkward Potions in hand, now comes the awkward puzzle of crafting usable potions. The list is long, however, so we broke them down into three categories: Positive, Negative, and Mixed. Remember, all potions start with the Awkward Potion you just created. Next to each...
方法名:getIdFromPotion Potion.getIdFromPotion介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: Ellpeck/ActuallyAdditions ThePotionRings(Stringname,intcolor,Potioneffect,intnormalAmplifier,intadvancedAmplifier,intactiveTime,booleanneedsWaitBeforeActivating,EnumRarityrarity,ItemStackcraftingItem){ ...