re8_dimension.json{ "replace": false, "values": [ # 什么方块可以搭传送门(命名格式为你的modid:方块名称,原版为minecraft:方块名称) "re8joymod:dhands_block" ] } blocks中新建portal包 -> 包中新建一个以我们的维度名称命名的类re8_dimension:re8_dimension.json{... MCBBS 【国内最大的MC中文论坛】: minecraftxz 【我的世界中文下载站】: mcmap 【我的世界中文网】: mcmod 【MC百科】: minecraft【原站】:https://www.minecraft...
To visit each planet, you activate a portal frame with fire. Mercury, for example, can be accessed by lighting a gold block portal. Each planet’s portal color will vary; experiment to see which planet you can reach next. 5.VerticalRedstone(1.3.2) For those who have been frustrated by ...
"frameBlock": "minecraft:stone", "isFluidIgniter": false, "itemIgniter": "minecraft:diamond", "dimension": "minecraft:the_nether", "r": 200, "g": 50, "b": 50} all the options are as follows: isFlat: determines if you want a nether like portal or one like the end portal frame...
Structure Block structures now correctly transform (rotate and/or mirror) multiface blocks, like Glow Lichen 结构方块现在可以正确的移动(旋转/镜像)多面体方块了,例如发光地衣等 Big Dripleaf, Amethyst Buds, and Amethyst Clusters no longer break in Structure Blocks ...
Library mod allowing developers to create portals to their custom dimensions easily. These custom portals will function exactly like nether portals, except being fully customizable. You can control the frame block, portal block, tinting, ignition source, destination, and more!
/testforblock(探测某一个方块是否在某一个位置) /testforblocks(探测某两个区域内的方块是否匹配) /trigger(设置触发装置的激活状态) U /up[高度](将自己提升到某个高度) /unbind(撤销某个命令) /unlimited id(给自己某个物品【无限】) /useportal(传送到下界) W /wtf? /weather(设置天气...
首先要注册我们的黑曜石方块,那么就需要先增加一个黑曜石实体类,然后再在此包下新建一个注册石块的类,因为黑曜石方块在mc中属于十块block 然后时注册类,去注册此方块实体类 然后注册到mod总线中 启动就能在方块栏最下面找到 接着就是为方块添加材质贴图都是在resources包下添加 ...
minecraft:emerald_block minecraft:emerald_ore minecraft:enchanting_table minecraft:end_brick_stairs minecraft:end_bricks minecraft:end_gateway minecraft:end_portal minecraft:end_portal_frame minecraft:end_rod minecraft:end_stone minecraft:end_stone_brick_double_slab minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab minecraft...
Quilt Loading Screen Mod由作者“triphora”所制作。 Quilt Loading Screen是一个基于 Quilt 社区(以前的)服务器横幅的加载屏幕。 不确定 Quilt 是什么?请查看! –& … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.20.2-1.7.10下界传送门修正 NetherPortalFix Mod下载