Download: Discord: Donate: Test Server: port 25565 for Java and 19132 for Bedrock What's Left to be Added/Fixed Near-perfect movement (to the point where anticheat on large ser...
如果你打开后是这样的,则从左上角的 File - Settings... 进入,同样可以找到 Plugins 界面。 安装完毕后,打开 IDEA 的新建项目选项,此时已经可以看到 Minecraft 一栏了,我们勾选 Paper Plugin,然后点击 Next: 出现以下界面,并填写全部信息(GroupId 是组织名或者说开发者名, ArtifactId 是插件名, Version 是版本...
For all development builds access theJenkins server here. Are you a developer looking for the repository manifest?Click here. downloadlatestsnapshot1.12.2 GOOD Snapshots may be less stable than full releases. If you experience problems, ensure you are running the latest snapshot. ...
当然这个时候你的服务器是有"正版验证"的,也就是说只有正版账户可以登入你的服务器. 如果你或者你的朋友没有正版,请在server.properties文件中将online-mode=true改为online-mode=false (当然,这样是有缺陷的,那就是无论是谁,只要用同一个id,登进去的就是同一个玩家账号.解决方法是加装登录插件,比如Catseedlogin...
Loom is an implementation of theLoom APIon vanilla Minecraft. Loom was inspired heavily by CraftBukkit and Sponge, but with the goal to make minimal NMS modifications in order to implement its API and completely open-sourced development. We hope to create a stable server platform for the future...
18、Minecraft 插件百科: 19、Minecraft基岩版开发Wiki: 20、Bedrock Wiki: 四、资源站类网站 21、CurseForge-Minecraft: 22、Modrinth: ...
A repo to hold the scripts I use to keep some of the plugins installed on my minecraft server up to date - whipped-cream/minecraft_plugin_downloader
Thousands of mods, addons, texture packs, skins, seeds and clients for Minecraft PE (Bedrock Edition)
Downloadable world Cloning world from a container path Overwrite world on start Downloadable mod/plugin pack for Forge, Bukkit, and Spigot Servers Remove old mods/plugins Online mode Allow flight Other server property mappings Miscellaneous Options Running as alternate user/group ID Memory Limit JVM ...
We have a client-sided "ban" list in effect for our debut server at If you want to remove it simply remove the "Bans.zs" script in the scripts folder. This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being...