·加入了player.mining_efficiency,控制玩家持有方块的有效挖掘工具时额外增加的挖掘效率。 ·默认值为0,最小值为0,最大值为1024。 ·加入了player.submerged_mining_speed,控制玩家的水下挖掘效率。 ·默认值为0.2,最小值为0,最大值为20。 ·加入了player.sweeping_damage_ratio,控制玩家横扫攻击的伤害转移到被横...
本次更新加入了几个命令相关的功能,以及扩展游戏的附加包和地图制作方面的更新。 新内容 物品 相机 重新加入了相机 只能通过使用 /give 命令来获得 命令格式 游戏规则 加入了spawnradius规则。 允许指定玩家的生成半径。 在世界设置中加入了新的“Respawn Radius”选项。 加入了sendcommandblockfeedback、maxcommandchainl...
· shadow_radius:实体阴影的大小。默认为0(无阴影)。可插值。 · shadow_strength:实体阴影的强度。作为随与下方方块的距离而变化的函数,控制阴影的不透明度。默认为1。可插值。 · width和height:描述剔除边界框(Culling bounding box)的大小。边界框自实体位置的所有方向纵向伸展y至y+height,横向伸展width/2。若...
count not set Integer number The number of the required block types nearby for the entity to breed. radius not set Decimal number How many blocks radius from the mob's center to search in for the required blocks. Bounded between 0 and 16.Mutation...
Wither Skeleton has a chance to spin with its sharp stone swords that will damage any mobs in radius. Wither Skeleton can defend itself from oncoming attacks for a short time Wither Skeleton will still do melee attacks, but has its ways. ...
players can specify in their worlds called spawnRadius. The concept was adapted from how Java Edition implemented it. It allows players to specify a number between 0 and 32 to create an allowed area for spawning to take place. So a spawn radius of 27 is a larger circle than a radius of...
Villagers are passive mobs that inhabit villages, work at their professions, breed, and interact with each other. Adult villagers' outfits vary according to their occupation and biome. A player can trade with them using emeralds as currency. They are als
MultipleBedSpawn - Paper Plugin | Hangar 类似于RUST/战地一样的重生机制(笑),如果玩家有多个床,...
All lightning strikes that happen within a radius of 64 blocks from a Lightning Rod will strike ...
Inside the description tag, we define basic attributes of the entity.identifiersets the ID for the entity.is_spawnablewill later add a spawn egg into the game that allows the player to spawn this mob.is_summonablewill make the entity work with the/summoncommand. ...