The More Player Models Mod adds the age old RPG element of character creation to Minecraft. It allows you to customize near every feature of your player and even allows you to play as any of the mobs in the game, including the Enderdragon! The character creation screen is simply accessed ...
Report Changelog Character Creation Scaling Head Body Arms Legs For more questions join my discord: SUPPORT ME: Want to support me? Become one of my patrons:
More Player Models is a must-have for roleplay! Tolkien/Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, fantasy, anime, furries, littles/family, or anything else! MODELS FEATURES: 🐖 Change into any mob! 🧟 Change your character model with the F12 menu! 🕷️ Multiplayer support! Anyone with MPM ...
语言文件加入内容。 "block.tutorialmod.zircon_lamp":"Zircon Lamp" 在model/block中加入json on.json {"parent":"block/cube_all","textures":{"all":"tutorialmod:block/zircon_lamp_on"}} off.json {"parent":"block/cube_all","textures":{"all":"tutorialmod:block/zircon_lamp_off"}} models/it...
演示版本:基岩WIN版1.20.10.01 演示机型:联想Y9000X 1:模组包名:哥斯拉怪物宇宙测试版V1.0.4汉化版 2:模组作者:Monster122 3:是否使用player.json:无(即与其他模组兼容) 4:模组介绍: 该模组添加了泰坦:哥斯拉(“2014”)、金刚骷髅岛(“2017”)、哥斯拉怪兽之王(“2019”)和哥斯拉大战金刚(“2021”)中的生物 ...
Is this mod client side or server side? I would say both. You can have this only at client side so that only yourself can see custom models. Or you can have a modded server which enables every player with this mod to see the models. ...
hurtAndBreak(1,player, (p_220040_1_) -> { p_220040_1_.broadcastBreakEvent(hand); }); // stack(玩家手中的物品)消耗1点耐久度 return ActionResult.success(stack); // 执行的动作 } } 第二步,在Items类里面注册我们的物品 public static final RegistryObject<Item> RED_STONE_SWORD = register(...
library in your jar, remove the include word //You can find the latest version in []( include modImplementation("dev.kosmx.player-anim:player-animation-lib-fabric:${project.player_anim}") //You might want bendy...
playerformlittlemaid ▲自从女仆mod停更后,这个mod开始从附属MOD走向了独立MOD,好一个励志的故事!4)...
- playerabilitylib@1.3.0- roughlyenoughitems@6.0.268-alpha- slight-gui-modifications@2.0.1- sodium@0.3.0+IRIS2- step-height-entity-attribute@1.0.0- team_reborn_energy@0.1.1- voxelmap@1.10.15- waystones@2.0.4- winged@1.17.1-3.0.0- wthit@2.10.6[16:11:32] [main/WARN]: Mod `...