Customize your player model in Minecraft using JSON. Description This mod allows you to customize your player model using JSON files while maintaining compatibility with vanilla Minecraft features as well as other mods. The combination of expressions, physics and the new particle system enables unbeliev...
其中有一个属性model,指向我们的方块模型(以JSON文件存储) 2:lang文件夹 这个文件夹内装的是这个模组的翻译文件。语言由游戏语言决定,比如你的游戏是中文,调用的是zh_cn.json文件(如果有的话),英文是en_us.json(英语(美国))。 3:models/block文件夹 这个文件夹内装的是我们的模型文件。存储的是当前方块的材质...
在model/block中加入json on.json {"parent":"block/cube_all","textures":{"all":"tutorialmod:block/zircon_lamp_on"}} off.json {"parent":"block/cube_all","textures":{"all":"tutorialmod:block/zircon_lamp_off"}} models/item中加入JSON {"parent":"tutorialmod:block/zircon_lamp_off"} 在...
The player model is made of 6 body parts: head torso right arm left arm right leg left leg And I added an extra: body: This is a bone for the whole player, transforming it will transform every part. To move everything up by 2, you only need to move the body up. Most Blockbench...
if (playerList.length >= 1) { const form = new ActionFormData() .title("Test Title") .body("Body text here!") .button("btn 1") .button("btn 2") .button("btn 3") .button("btn 4") .button("btn 5");[...
Minecraft Wiki 关于“Sounds.json”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“Sounds.json”的历史,请见各版本页面。 参考 更多信息 分类 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC BY-NC-SA许可协议下提供。
SimulatedPlayer Tags Test GameTestErrorContext MoveToOptions minecraft/server-net minecraft/server-ui minecraft/server minecraft/server-editor Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation ...
transformation - transformation applied to model (after normal entity orientation). Defaults to identity. Interpolated transformation - 应用于模型的 transformation(在正常的实体旋转后)。默认为单位矩阵。可插值 billboard - option to control if entity should pivot to face player when rendered: billboard -...
- Support making customizable player models - Custom animals/mobs, animation and edit JSON file easily - Change texture and skin mobs with Blockbench - Use 3D Model Editor or Blockbench professionally - Customize and import Minecraft Mobs into your Minecraft ...